Direct Transfer Agreement/Major Related Program

Associate in Arts and Science DTA

Associate in Arts and Science AA&S DTA degree is awarded to students completing the requirements of the college transfer program. The AA&S DTA degree represents the broad knowledge generally acquired in the first two years of a four-year program leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree. When students earn the AA&S DTA, they may transfer to a baccalaureate institution within the state of Washington with assurance that they have satisfied all or most of the basic requirements (General University Requirements/Distribution Requirements). Completion of the DTA does not change admission criteria for four-year colleges and universities. The completed DTA generally provides 90 quarter or 60 semester credits upon entry to a four-year institution.  This means, generally, that AA&S DTA transfer students can begin work on their specialized, major-area course work as soon as they transfer.

Since programs differ at each college, students should consider program outlines published by the college or university where the student plans to continue his/her course of study. The following recommended courses will prepare students for most senior institutions.  In addition to the general requirements listed below, derivative programs may have additional requirements as listed in the Programs of Study section. Students should prepare their quarterly schedules with the assistance of an advisor knowledgeable in their transfer area. Students should seek out their advisor for more information and guidance on possible courses to take to complete this degree and to prepare and plan for future transfer.

Program Learning Outcomes:

  • IO1 Communication
    Students will be able to communicate clearly and effectively.
  • IO2 Quantitative Reasoning
    Students will be able to reason mathematically.
  • IO3 Human Relations/Workplace Skills
    Students will be able to demonstrate teamwork, ethics, appropriate safety awareness and/or workplace specific skills.
  • PO4 Cultural, Social, Political Aspects
    Students will be able to recognize or articulate personal/interpersonal aspects of, or connections between, diverse cultural, social, or political contexts.
  • PO5 Problem Solving
    Students will be able to solve problems by gathering, interpreting, combining and/or applying information from multiple sources.

Degree Requirements

To earn the Associate in Arts and Science DTA degree, a student must:

  • Complete their degree within three years from the quarter of entry based on the catalog in use at time of entering BBCC. After that date, students must meet any changes in graduation.
  • Complete at least 90 transferable credits in courses numbered 100 or above with a grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher.
  • Earn a grade of at least a 1.0 in each college level course used in the degree.
  • Complete and submit an application for graduation to the Student Administrative Support Services Office before a degree with be awarded.

Note: No course may be used more than once for meeting degree requirements. Courses being used for the basic or breadth requirements in the Associate in Arts & Science (DTA) degree may not be taken pass/fail.

The 90 transferable credits must include the following:

Basic Requirements

Communication Skills 

ENGL& 101 and: ENGL& 102, ENGL 201*, or ENGL& 235

*  Students who take ENGL 201 must also take a literature class as one of the Humanities breadth courses (this option recommended for students planning to transfer to Eastern Washington University).

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Quantitative Skills 

Symbolic or Quantitative Reasoning 

Mathematics (MATH) - Any 5 credit MATH course above 101; Philosophy (PHIL) - PHIL& 120

Note:  A minimum grade of 2.0 or higher in Intermediate Algebra or higher placement score is required for entrance into all SQR courses.  Enrollment into any BBCC math course requires placement at the appropriate entrance level.)

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Breadth Requirements


Select from at least two of the disciplines listed on the Humanities distribution list with no more than 10 credits from any one discipline. No more than 5 credits in foreign language at the 100 level may apply to this category. No more than 5 credits in humanities performance/skill credits (HP) may apply to this requirement.

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Social Science 

Select from at least three of the disciplines listed on the Social Science distribution list with no more than 10 credits from any one discipline.  Cross listed courses may be used to meet credit requirements in only one distribution area.

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Natural Science 

Select 15 credits from the Natural Science distribution list (limit 5 in math):

  • At least one must be a Lab Science (LS)
  • Select from at least two different disciplines (maximum 10 credits from any one discipline) 

Cross listed courses may be used to meet credit requirements in only one distribution area. 

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Additional Breadth 

Select any courses from the Humanities, Social Science, or Natural Science distribution list.

Sub-Total Credits

Physical Education/Health & Wellness 

Complete 3 PEH credits by choosing one of the following:

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

General Electives 

Select up to 12 transferrable credits in courses numbered 100 or above to bring the total credits to 90. No more than 3 PEH Activity [AC] credits may be used in the degree.

Sub-Total Credits

Note: No course may be used more than once for meeting degree requirements.

Diversity Requirement

Big Bend Community College prepares students to succeed in a culturally diverse society by requiring all students who are seeking an Associate in Arts and Science AA&S DTA degree to complete at least one diversity course (see listed classes below). This course will focus on one or more groups that have been excluded, devalued, or underrepresented on the basis of a variety of factors such as culture, race, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, class, ability, religion, age, and/or immigration status. The intent is to help students think critically about their own underlying assumptions and biases. Diversity-designated courses address the intersection of identities and the role that power plays in assigning privilege to those identities in order to guide discussions about equity, inclusion, and diversity beyond tolerance, celebration, or appreciation.

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Foreign Language Advisory

Although the Associate in Arts and Science DTA degree does not have a specific requirement for foreign language, all potential transfer students need to be aware that many universities have either an admission or graduation requirement of two years of a single foreign language in high school or two or three quarters of a single foreign language in college.

If a student is certain of the university where she/he will transfer, she/he should carefully review the foreign language requirements of that college. In general, students not having two years of high school foreign language are well advised to include a year of college foreign language (through the 123 level) in their degree program at BBCC.

Math/Science Advisory

Students planning to transfer to Washington State University should carefully plan course work to complete math/science breadth requirements with assistance of a college counselor or transfer advisor.

Advising Maps

An advising map for the AA&S DTA degree is available on the BBCC Website including a suggested schedule; use the Academics dropdown and choose the Programs & Degrees link below the Explore heading. The advising map is helpful to prepare for advising and registration each quarter. Students should maintain an accurate record of courses completed and bring their advising map with them for advising appointments.

Total Credits