JOU 140: Digital Photojournalism

Class Program
Humanities Performance/Skill
Credits 3 Lecture Hours 22 Lab Hours 22
For persons interested in using digital cameras and computer techniques to produce images for newspapers, magazines, and other print media, and for Internet transmission and web sites. Students will be required to produce images showing specific examples of photojournalism.
Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following knowledge or skills:

  1. Understand and use a digital camera.
  2. Understand basic lighting, metering and composition.
  3. Download, process, print, and transmit a digital image.
  4. Recognize the various aspects of editorial photography.
  5. Provide accurate written information to accompany photographs.
  6. Differentiate between editorial photographs and those of an artistic or commercial nature.
  7. Produce photographs and captions suitable for publication.
Institutional Outcomes
IO3 Human Relations/Workplace Skills: Students will be able to demonstrate teamwork, ethics, appropriate safety awareness and/or workplace specific skills.
Course Content Outline
  1. Week 1 — Course introduction to photojournalism, assignments/grading, writing captions.
  2. Week 2 — Use, function and care of the camera; camera types; distinguish between film and digital imaging; lenses; exposure and metering; creative use of camera controls.
  3. Week 3 — Photo aesthetics and composition; transferral of image and storage to computer.
  4. Week 4 — Existing light photography, use of filters. Introduction to photo-processing computer software (Adobe Photoshop) and print production.
    • ASSIGNMENT 1 — Scenic/nature photo.
  5. Week 5 — Use of electronic flash, continue exploration of camera and photo-processing capabilities.
  6. Week 6 — Assignment 1 is due. Judging image files, photo editing, fine-tuning prints.
  7. Week 7 — Critique Assignment 1. Assignment 2 is due.
    • ASSIGNMENT 3 — Feature photos.
  8. Week 8 — Critique Assignment 2. Using camera controls to freeze action and convey motion; "pushing" to achieve higher ISO ratings; lens selection for low-light/action photography.
  9. Week 9 — Assignment 3 is due. Discuss spot news, legal and ethical considerations of photojournalism.
  10. Week 10 — Critique Assignment 3. Assignment 4 is due. Discuss print media production, including halftones, color separations, and offset printing processes.
  11. Week 11 — Critique Assignment 4. Discuss photo markets, course review, open lab.
Department Guidelines

Students will need a digital camera equipped with readable memory card/stick or USB computer-connection capability. It will be helpful if the camera has a built-in electronic flash or can accept an accessory flash unit. Cellular telephones with photo capability are not acceptable. Students must provide their own printing paper.

Students will be graded on the timely submission of the following assignments:

  • Scenic/nature photo
  • Formal portrait
  • Environmental portrait
  • Feature/human interest photos
  • Sports-themed photo
  • Action/motion photo

All photos must be printed on standard 8x10 or 8-1/2 x 11 paper, accompanied by concise written captions. Though digital images are typically color-based, photos turned in for assignments in this class will be printed in black-and-white. Students will be graded on the quality of their completed assignments. Photos will be judged on journalistic, technical, and creative aspects, along with caption information.