CHEM& 121: Intro to Chemistry

Class Program
Lab Science
Credits 5 Lecture Hours 44 Lab Hours 22

This course is designed primarily for the allied health student. In addition this class serves students wanting an introductory chemistry course prior to the full year CHEM& 161,162,163 sequence. Topics include basic chemical vocabulary, atomic structure, stoichiometry, periodic behavior of elements and compounds, gases, liquids, solids, solutions, water and equilibria. The course includes 22 hours of laboratory. Laboratory exercises are designed to reinforce classroom learning as well as providing hands on experience with chemical reactions. Relevance of course material to current practices in chemistry is a fundamental focus.


Completion of MATH 098/MAP 119 or a higher placement. A passing grade in high school chemistry or completion of CHEM& 105 is recommended.

Quarters Offered
Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following knowledge or skills:

  1. Apply the concepts of accuracy and precision to scientific measurements.
  2. Solve chemistry problems using the patterns in the periodic table.
  3. Describe matter (states, composition, classification, changes) at the particle-level.
  4. Describe or interpret chemical reactions using chemical symbols and equations.
  5. Name ionic, binary covalent, and acids according to IUPAC rules of nomenclature.
  6. Solve quantitative problems using appropriate law, equation, or strategy.
  7. Represent matter using chemical formulas, Lewis structures, and/or electron configurations.
  8. Demonstrate appropriate laboratory techniques and safety in carrying out laboratory exercises.
Institutional Outcomes
IO2 Quantitative Reasoning: Students will be able to reason mathematically.
IO3 Human Relations/Workplace Skills: Students will be able to demonstrate teamwork, ethics, appropriate safety awareness and/or workplace specific skills.
Course Content Outline
  • The Scientific Method
    Measurement and Units
    Reporting Values from Measurements
  • Solids, Liquids, and Gases
    The Chemical Elements
    The Periodic Table of the Elements
    The Structure of the Elements
  • Classification of Matter
    Compounds and Chemical Bonds
    Molecular Compounds
    Naming Binary Covalent Compounds
    Ionic Compounds
  • Chemical Reactions and Chemical Equations
    Solubility of Ionic Compounds and Precipitation Reactions
  • Characteristics of Acids
    Acid Nomenclature
    Summary of Chemical Nomenclature
    Strong and Weak Bases
    pH and Acidic and Basic Solutions
    Arrhenius Acid-Base Reactions
    Brønsted-Lowry Acids and Bases
  • An Introduction to Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
    Oxidation Numbers
    Types of Chemical Reactions
    Voltaic Cells
  • Energy
    Chemical Changes and Energy
  • Unit Analysis
    Rounding and Significant Figures
    Density and Density Calculations
    Percentage and Percentage Calculations
    A Summary of the Unit Analysis Process
    Temperature Conversions
  • Relating Mass to Number of Particles
    Molar Mass and Chemical Compounds
    Relative Masses of Elements and Compounds
    Determination of Empirical and Molecular Formulas
  • Equation Stoichiometry
    Applications of Equation Stoichiometry
    Molarity and Equation Stoichiometry
  • The Mysterious Electron
    Multi-Electron Atoms
  • A Detailed Look at Molecules and the Formation of Covalent Bonds
    Drawing Lewis Structures
    Molecular Geometry from Lewis Structures VSEPR
  • Gases and Their Properties
    Ideal Gas Calculations
    Equation Stoichiometry and Ideal Gases
    Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures
  • Liquid-Gas systems — An Introduction to Dynamic Equilibrium
    Boiling Liquids
    Particle-Particle Attractions
  • Why Solutions Form
    Fats, Oils, Soaps, and Detergents
    Saturated Solutions and Dynamic Equilibrium
    Solutions of Gases in Liquids
  • Collision Theory: A Model for the Reaction Process
    Rates of Chemical Reactions
    Reversible Reactions and Chemical Equilibrium
    Disruption of Equilibrium
  • The Nucleus and Radioactivity
    Uses for Radioactive Substances
    Nuclear Energy
Department Guidelines

Evaluation will be accomplished by a combination of graded homework, examination, quizzes and laboratory performance. Laboratory work will account for 1 credit of the 5 credit class, or 20% of the final grade.

PO5 should be assessed: Students will be able to solve problems by gathering, interpreting, combining and/or applying information from multiple sources.