PHYS& 222: Engineering Physics II w/Lab

Class Program
Lab Science
Credits 5 Lecture Hours 44 Lab Hours 22

The second in a three-quarter calculus-based sequence in introductory physics intended for students majoring in science or engineering. Course content includes waves, optics, thermodynamics, and may include a unit on gravitation.


Successful completion of Engineering Physics I PHYS& 221

Calculus II (MATH& 152) or concurrent enrollment

Quarters Offered
Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following knowledge or skills:

  1. Apply problem-solving techniques learned in Engineering Physics I (PHYS& 221) to gravitation, simple harmonic motion, pendulum motion, waves, geometric optics, physical optics, and elementary thermodynamics.
  2. Apply conservation of energy principles to simple harmonic motion and pendulum motion.
  3. Apply the mathematical equations of periodic waves to sound waves and waves on strings.
  4. Apply the mathematical equations of geometric optics to simple situations involving mirrors, thin lenses, and refracting surfaces.
  5. Apply the mathematical equations of physical optics to multiple-source interference, thin-film interference, and diffraction.
  6. Analyze situations involving thermal expansion, calorimetry, and heat transfer.
  7. Use the ideal gas law to solve simple problems and analyze systems.
  8. Perform simple calculations employing the kinetic-molecular model of an ideal gas.
  9. Apply the first law of thermodynamics to elementary situations.
  10. (If time permits) Apply the second law of thermodynamics to elementary situations.
  11. Present clearly explained problem solutions.
  12. Present experimental results in clearly written laboratory reports.
Institutional Outcomes
IO2 Quantitative Reasoning: Students will be able to reason mathematically.
Course Content Outline
  • Gravitation
    Newton’s law of gravitation
    Gravitational potential energy
    The motion of satellites
    Kepler’s laws
    Spherical mass distributions
    Apparent weight and Earth’s rotation
  • Oscillations and Waves
    Simple harmonic motion
    Displacement, velocity and acceleration in simple harmonic motion
    Energy in simple harmonic motion
    Pendulum motion
    (Optional) Damped and forced oscillations
    Periodic waves
    Sinusoidal waves
    Wave speeds and energies
    Superposition and interference
    Standing waves and normal modes of oscillation
    Sound waves
    (Optional) Sound intensity
    Standing sound waves and normal modes
    The Doppler effect
  • Optics
    The nature of light
    Reflection and refraction
    Total internal reflection
    Huygen’s principle
    Reflection and refraction at plane and spherical surfaces
    Thin lenses
    (Optional) Cameras, telescopes, microscopes, magnifiers, the eye
    Constructive and destructive interference
    Two-source interference and intensity in interference patterns
    Thin-film interference
    (Optional) The Michelson interferometer
    Single-slit diffraction
    Multiple-slit diffraction and the diffraction grating
    (Optional) X-Ray diffraction
    Circular aperture diffraction and resolving power
  • Thermodynamics
    Thermal expansion
    Heat and calorimetry
    Heat transfer
    The ideal gas law
    Kinetic-molecular theory of gases
    First law of thermodynamics
    Second law of thermodynamics
Department Guidelines

Exams and Quizzes 50-60% Homework 20-30% Laboratory Reports 20%

PO5 should be assessed: Students will be able to solve problems by gathering, interpreting, combining and/or applying information from multiple sources.