CHEM& 161: General Chem w/Lab I

Class Program
Lab Science
Credits 5 Lecture Hours 38 Lab Hours 33

The first in a three-quarter series examining the principles of General Chemistry with the primary emphasis on inorganic chemistry. This series is designed for physical science majors, pre-medical, pre-veterinary and pre-pharmacy students, and for students who are required to take one or more quarters of majors-level chemistry. Topics include: matter and measurements, atoms, molecules and ions, chemical formulas, chemical reactions and equations, electronic structure of atoms and periodic properties of elements.


Placement in MATH& 141 or completion of MATH 099. A passing grade in high school chemistry or completion of CHEM& 121 recommended

Quarters Offered
Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following knowledge or skills:

  1. Translate between inorganic chemical formulas and nomenclature.
  2. Comfortably use the metric system.
  3. Use the periodic table as an information tool.
  4. Convert between mass and moles for a variety of elements and compounds.
  5. Relate mass and moles using a balanced chemical equation (stoichiometry).
  6. Solve thermochemical equations.
  7. Apply the concepts of enthalpy and entropy to chemical reactions.
  8. Describe the subatomic structure of matter.
  9. Describe the quantum mechanical theory.
  10. Describe the particle/wave duality of matter and energy.
  11. Perform calculations based on wavelength and frequency of electromagnetic radiation.
  12. Determine electron configuration of a given atom or ion.
  13. Use Lewis Structures to describe the formation of ionic and covalent bonds.
  14. Predict polarity and bond order of covalent bonds between different atoms.
Institutional Outcomes
IO2 Quantitative Reasoning: Students will be able to reason mathematically.
Course Content Outline
  • Introduction to Chemistry
    Physical measurements
  • Atomic theory and structure
    Formulas and names of chemical substances
    Reading and writing chemical equations
  • The mole concept
    Determination of chemical formulas from percent composition
  • Behavior of ions in aqueous solutions
    Solution concentrations
    Classes of reactions
    Quantitative analysis
  • Heats of reaction
    Enthalpy and entropy
    Applying concepts of thermochemistry to chemical equations
  • The wave nature of light
    The Bohr Theory and photons
    Quantum mechanics
  • Electronic structure of atoms
    Periodicity of the elements
  • Ionic and covalent chemical bonding
    Electron configuration of ions
    Polarity of covalent bonds
    Bond length, order, and energy
Department Guidelines

Evaluation will be accomplished by a combination of graded homework, examination, quizzes and laboratory performance and write up.

The final grade will be based on a percentage of the total points possible:
A typical breakdown of the points is: Three unit exams comprise approximately 40% of the total score, the final exam approximately 20%, laboratories approximately 24%, quizzes and homework provide the balance of the points.

PO5 should be assessed: Students will be able to solve problems by gathering, interpreting, combining and/or applying information from multiple sources.