ART 105: Drawing II

Class Program
Humanities Performance/Skill
Credits 5 Lecture Hours 44 Lab Hours 22
Drawing II is a continuation in the exploration of drawing with emphasis on technique and interpretation of ideas using various media. You will learn drawing techniques with various media and develop an individual artistic voice by introducing content (meaning or message) into drawings. Drawing I, II, and III can be taken out of sequence.
Quarters Offered
Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following knowledge or skills:

  1. Use the formal elements of drawing, such as qualities of line and surface, composition, value structure, and visual language.
  2. Demonstrate the ability to organize, analyze, and interpret visual information.
  3. Demonstrate critical analysis applied to their own work and the work of other students by using art vocabulary to show understanding of course content.
Course Content Outline
Units of Study
  1. The student will draw from observation and imagination using objects and memories to develop a voice and style.
  2. The student will introduce content or meaning into drawings as a way of expression.
  3. The student will render the effects of light and shadow as a way to express values to create volume on a two-dimensional surface.
  4. The student will explore the use of shadows and patterns of light to create a sense of volume and texture in drawing as well as develop different approaches to the drawing surface using various drawing media such as charcoal, graphite, conté crayon, erasers, ink or paint.
Department Guidelines

All art work will be evaluated using the objectives of the course. Consideration will be given to individual differences in talent and abilities.

A= Excellent work, unique ideas and idea development, excellent craftsmanship, outstanding effort and involvement.
B= Above average work, good idea development and craftsmanship, extra time and effort.
C= Average work, average ideas and/or craftsmanship, minimal time and effort (just getting by).
D= Below average work, poor ideas, little involvement.
F= Any project not turned in will receive an F and no hope of a final semester grade higher than a C.

PO5 should be assessed: Students will be able to solve problems by gathering, interpreting, combining and/or applying information from multiple sources.