Direct Transfer Agreement/Major Related Program

Associate in Nursing DTA/MRP


Nursing education presents concepts from the humanities, life and social sciences, and biological and physical sciences. It promotes competency-based learning at all levels of nursing practice. The goal of nursing education is the provision of a theoretical knowledge base, competent skill base, and professional value insights that enable a beginning nurse to deliver safe care and to demonstrate accountability for care delivered or delegated to others. The Nursing Program’s curriculum is designed to incorporate the program’s philosophy/ mission and nursing paradigm concepts. It is designed to demonstrate learning from the simple to the complex, from the conceptual to the empirical.

Successful completion of this degree prepares the student to take the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). Successful completion of the examination and subsequent licensure allows the student to enter the workforce as a Registered Nurse.

The Associate in Nursing DTA MRP is approved by the Washington State Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission and the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, and accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, 3342 Peachtree Rd NE, Suite 500, Atlanta, GA 30326; tel 404.975.5000.

Since programs differ at each college, students should consider program outlines published by the college or university where the student plans to continue his/her course of study. The following recommended courses will prepare students for most senior institutions. In addition to the general requirements listed below, derivative programs may have additional requirements as listed in the Programs of Study section. Students should prepare their quarterly schedules with the assistance of an advisor knowledgeable in their transfer area. Students should seek out their advisor for more information and guidance on possible courses to take to complete this degree and to prepare and plan for future transfer

Program Learning Outcomes:

  • IO1 Communication
    Communicate effectively to deliver relevant, accurate and complete information to patients, families, and the healthcare team
  • IO2 Quantitative Reasoning
    Students will be able to reason mathematically using methods appropriate to the profession
  • IO3 Human Relations/Workplace Skills
    Participate as a member of the healthcare team for educational and institutional growth
  • PO4 Deliver safe and effective physical, psychosocial, cultural, and spiritual care to the whole person in a variety of settings
  • PO5 Plan, initiate, and evaluate patient teaching including assessment of current knowledge, use of appropriate materials and techniques
  • PO6 Demonstrate clinical decision-making from a theoretical knowledge base utilizing the nursing process to develop patient care plans that ensure safe, effective care in a variety of settings
  • PO7 Assume responsibility and accountability in the practice of registered nursing as defined by the professional
  • standards and codes of nursing

Associate in Nursing DTA MRP Degree Requirements:

To earn the Associate in Nursing DTA MRP degree, a student must:

  • Complete their degree within three years from the quarter of entry based on the catalog in use at time of entering BBCC. After that date, students must meet any changes in graduation.
  • Complete at least 135 transferable credits in designated courses numbered 100 or above with a grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher.
  • Earn a grade of at least a 2.0 in each prerequisite and corequisite course.
  • Complete and submit an application for graduation to the Student Administrative Support Services Office before a degree with be awarded.

Note: No course may be used more than once for meeting degree requirements. Courses being used for the Associate in Nursing DTA MRP degree may not be taken pass/fail.

The 135 transferable credits must include the following:

Basic Requirements (15 credits)

A. Communication Skills (BS)

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

B. Quantitative Skills (SQR)

Symbolic or Quantitative Reasoning


Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Note: A minimum grade of 2.0 or higher in Intermediate Algebra or higher placement score is required for entrance into all SQR courses.  Enrollment into any BBCC math course requires placement at the appropriate entrance level.

Breadth Requirements

A. Humanities (HU, HP) 

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Note: No course may be used more than once for meeting degree requirements.

Most courses in this degree are designated.  Refer to the Humanities distribution list to help you choose a class within this distribution category that meets your educational goals and interests.  Refer to the Programs of Study pages for a full listing of courses in each discipline and which quarter each course will be taught; ask your advisor to help you. Prerequisite and corequisite courses must be completed with a minimum of 2.0 in each course.

The following schedule of courses is the recommended program for completing this degree. See a program advisor for substitute courses.

First Year – Prerequisites to Apply to Nursing ADN Program

Fall Quarter

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Winter Quarter

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Spring Quarter

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Spring Quarter

Note: PSYC& 100 General Psychology* if not taken previously

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Third Year – Level II ADN Program

Fall Quarter

Note: PSYC& 200 Lifespan Psychology* if not taken previously

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Winter Quarter

Note: CMST& 220 Public Speaking* if not taken previously

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Spring Quarter

Note: MATH& 146 Introduction to Statistics* if not taken previously

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

NOTE: All noted courses may be completed at any point prior to entering the Nursing ADN program or during the quarter in which they are listed.

Total Credits