NUR 114: Pharmacology

Class Program
Credits 2 Lecture Hours 22

An introduction to nursing principles of medication administration. Explores the therapeutic actions, major side effects, and nursing implications of common drugs in major classifications. Principles of medication administration and dosage calculation are included.


Completion of MATH 098/MAP 119 with a minimum grade of 2.0 or a higher placement.


NUR 110 or instructor permission.

Quarters Offered
Course Outcomes


Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following knowledge or skills:

  1. Utilize accurate methods to calculate oral and parenteral medication doses and rates within a reasonable time frame. (POC.1)
  2. Identify the “rights” of safe medication administration. (POC.1)
  3. Discuss major medication classifications and the body system affected by those medications. (POC.1)
  4. Recognize appropriate nursing considerations for each medication classification discussed. (POC.1)
Institutional Outcomes

IO2 Quantitative Reasoning: Students will be able to reason mathematically using methods appropriate to the profession.

Course Content Outline
  1. The nursing process and drug therapy
  2. Systems of measurement
  3. Drugs affecting body systems
Department Guidelines

The outcomes for the Nursing program are based on the Core Concepts: Communicator (C); Provider of Care (POC); Manager of Care (MOC); and Professional (P). Progress is assessed throughout the 2-year program culminating in a professional portfolio.

  1. Communicate effectively to deliver relevant, accurate and complete information to patients, families, and the healthcare team. (C)
  2. Deliver safe and effective physical, psychosocial, cultural, and spiritual care to the whole person in a variety of settings. (POC.1)
  3. Plan, initiate, and evaluate patient teaching including assessment of current knowledge, use of appropriate materials and techniques. (POC.2)
  4. Demonstrate clinical decision-making based on best current evidence, clinical expertise, and the nursing process to develop safe plans of care in a variety of settings. (MOC)
  5. Assume responsibility and accountability in the practice of registered nursing as defined by the professional standards and codes of nursing. (P.1)
  6. Demonstrate effective collaboration within nursing and inter-professional teams, fostering open communication, mutual respect, and shared decision-making to achieve educational and institutional growth (P.2)

Additionally, a Dosage Calculation Exam must be passed each quarter with a score of 90% or greater to continue in the program. A student may retake this exam one time only. The Dosage Calculation Exam score is not included in the “Unit Tests” grade