Associate in Science-Transfer

Associate in Science-Transfer, AS-Track 1

Biological Sciences, Environmental/Resource Sciences, Chemistry, Geology, and Earth Science

Careful planning is important in all of the degrees offered by BBCC. In the case of the AS-T degree, it is essential to have information about general requirements and also major requirements for the specific Bachelor of Science degree at the intended baccalaureate institution from the beginning and throughout the degree planning process.

The purpose of the degree is to allow the student who plans to complete a Bachelor of Science degree in biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering or physics the opportunity to make substantial progress toward fulfilling major requirements while completing at least half of the liberal arts, or general requirements, in studies such as English, the humanities and the social sciences. The degree is accepted by many baccalaureate institutions in the state of Washington. Completing the AS-T degree will prepare students for upper division study; it does not guarantee students admission to the major.

While BBCC faculty advisors consult with students to help them plan effectively, the ultimate responsibility to plan rests with the student. The college recommends that the student identify one or two potential transfer schools and then contact qualified program advisors at those institutions as early as possible to obtain specific, course-by-course advice. Throughout one’s enrollment at BBCC, the program advisors at the transfer institution should be consulted.

Unlike the DTA degree, the AS-T degree does not automatically fulfill the lower division (first and second year) general requirements at a university. Typically, the AS-T degree holder’s BBCC transcript will be evaluated on a course-by-course basis according to both its general requirements and major requirements. In the admissions process, the AS-T degree typically offers the same advantages as the DTA—it is generally easier to be admitted as a transfer student with a transferable degree.

Program Learning Outcomes:

  • IO1 Communication
    Students will be able to communicate clearly and effectively.
  • IO2 Quantitative Reasoning
    Students will be able to reason mathematically.
  • IO3 Human Relations/Workplace Skills
    Students will be able to demonstrate teamwork, ethics, appropriate safety awareness and/or workplace specific skills.
  • PO4 Cultural, Social, Political Aspects
    Students will be able to recognize or articulate personal/interpersonal aspects of, or connections between, diverse cultural, social, or political contexts.
  • PO5 Problem Solving
    Students will be able to solve problems by gathering, interpreting, combining and/or applying information from multiple sources.

Degree Requirements:

To earn the Associate in Science-Transfer degree, a student must:

  • Complete their degree within three years from the quarter of entry based on the catalog in use at time of entering BBCC. After that date, students must meet any changes in graduation.
  • Complete at least 90 transferable credits in courses numbered 100 or above with a grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher.
  • Earn a grade of at least a 1.0 in each college level course used in the degree.
  • Complete and submit an application for graduation to the Student Administrative Support Services Office before a degree will be awarded.

Note: No course may be used more than once for meeting degree requirements. Courses being used for the basic or breadth requirements in the Associate in Science-Transfer degree may not be taken pass/fail.

The 90 transferable credits must include the following:

Basic Requirements

Communication Skills 

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits


Note: Enrollment into any BBCC math course requires placement at the appropriate entrance level.

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Humanities and Social Science 

Select at least 5 credits from Humanities distribution list and at least 5 credits from Social Science distribution list plus an additional 5 credits from either the Humanities or the Social Science distribution lists. Cross listed courses may be used to meet credit requirements in only one distribution area.

  1. Humanities distribution
  2. Social science distribution
  3. Humanities or Social Science distribution
Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

AS-T Pre-major 

1. BIOL& 221, 222, 223 or PHYS& 221, 222, 223

2. CHEM& 161, 162, 163

3. MATH& 146 (or 163)

4. Additional 10-15 credits in PHYS, GEOL, organic CHEM, BIOL, or MATH, consisting of courses normally taken for science majors, preferably in a two or three course sequence as approved by advisor.

Note: Sequence courses should not be broken up between institutions (e.g., the typical three-quarter chemistry sequence should be taken entirely at one institution).

Sub-Total Credits

Remaining Credits 

  1. Sufficient additional college-level credits so that total credits earned are at least 90 quarter credits. These remaining credits may include prerequisites for major courses (e.g., pre-calculus), additional major coursework, or specific general education or other university requirements, as approved by the advisor with no more than 5 cr of general electives.
Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits