
AUT 124: Brake System Service

This course covers the theory, operation, diagnosis and repair of both conventional and anti-lock brake systems. Topics covered are hydraulic operating systems, drum brake systems, disc brake systems, emergency/parking brake systems and brake...

AUT 125: Suspension, Steering and Alignment

This course covers the theory, operation and repair of various automotive suspension and steering systems used in todays vehicles. Topics covered include steering types, suspension types, shock/strut service, tires/wheels and suspension and steering...

AUT 131: Manual Drive Train and Axles

This course covers the theory, operation, diagnosis and repair of automotive clutch systems, manual transmissions, manual transaxles, front and rear drive axle operation, various drive shaft configurations and the procedures necessary to perform...

AUT 132: Hydraulic Systems

This course provides a student with the skills and knowledge necessary to maintain and service various hydraulic power transmission systems. Topics covered include hydraulic fundamentals, system operation, pump, valve and actuator service, as well as...

AUT 190: Skills Laboratory I

This course is for full-time automotive students who need extra project laboratory time to update or enhance their skills to meet program certification requirements. Students will be directed to complete ASE/NATEF tasks not completed in the day...

AUT 211: Automobile Convenience Systems

This course covers the operation and repair of automotive convenience systems. Classroom and laboratory lessons include power windows, power seats, air bag system testing and servicing, as well as minor door, hood, window, and trunk adjustments. The...

AUT 212: Automatic Transmission Repair

This course covers the theory, operation, service, and repair of various automatic transmission and transaxle assemblies. Classroom and laboratory instruction provide in-depth training using modern test equipment in the diagnosis and repair of these...

AUT 213: Automotive Servicing I

Students, at the direction of the instructor, work on customer vehicles applying skills learned in previous automotive classes. Students will be required to complete ASE/NATEF tasks not completed in other courses. Customer relations, repair order...

AUT 220: Engine Performance

This comprehensive course covers the theory and operation of various ignition systems, fuel delivery systems, emission controls, computerized engine controls, and the use of diagnostic test equipment. Classroom and laboratory lessons provide in-depth...

AUT 223: Automotive Servicing II

Students, at the direction of the instructor, work on customer vehicles applying skills learned in previous automotive classes. Students will be required to complete ASE/NATEF tasks not completed in other courses. Customer relations, repair order...