
ART 101: 2D Foundations

2D Foundations is an introduction to the study of the elements and principles of art that will be explored through various media in two dimensional problems. There will be projects addressing the specific elements of art:  line, shape/form...

ART 102: Color Theory

The study of water color painting from still life and nature with an introduction to the materials and techniques of watercolor painting.

ART 103: 3D Foundations

An introduction to the study of three-dimensional design explored through text and various media in sculpture.


ART 104: Drawing I

An introduction to drawing based on observation, emphasizing composition, and form. This course is basic to all art practice courses and is an introduction to basic drawing techniques involving various media such as pencil, charcoal, color pastels...

ART 105: Drawing II

Drawing II is a continuation in the exploration of drawing with emphasis on technique and interpretation of ideas using various media. You will learn drawing techniques with various media and develop an individual artistic voice by introducing...

ART 106: Drawing III

Working from a live model, the student explores a range of drawing approaches including gestural drawings, sustained renderings, structural drawings and expressive treatment of the figure. Exercises are performed which emphasize anatomical structure...

ART 121: Ceramics I

Experiments and design in clay applied to pottery and sculpture. Work in various hand construction methods, glazing and kiln firing.

ART 122: Ceramics II

Ceramics II continues in experiments and design in clay applied to pottery and sculpture by throwing on the pottery wheel, glazing and kiln firing.

ART 123: Ceramics III

Advanced experiments and design in clay applied to pottery and sculpture by working in various hand construction methods and in pottery wheel, glazing and kiln firing.