
AGM 241: Hydraulics II

This course, a continuation of Hydraulics I, is a deeper dive into hydraulic technologies. Topics such as charge pumps, PEC pumps, hydrostats, pilot-operated valves, and load-sensing systems will be covered. Students will practice safely operating...

AGM 251: Drivetrains II

A continuation of Drivetrains I, this course covers the safe servicing practices of hydraulically lubed axles, semi and full powershift transmissions, service and park brakes, and differential locks. Other topics include hydraulic clutches, lube...

AGM 261: Diesel II

A continuation of Diesel I, this course is a deep dive into electronic diesel engines. Course topics include testing and diagnosing engine sensors and switches, engine performance, electronically controlled diesel injection systems, and industry...

AGM 291: Diagostics

This course is the capstone for the Agricultural Mechanics Technology program. Students will employ skills developed in previous classes to test and diagnose hydraulic, electrical, and mechanic issues in agricultural equipment. Lab time will closely...

FIR 101: Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting 40 Hour Basic

This 40 hour course covers fundamental training required by the FAA as described in FAR 139.319. The course includes fire fighting equipment, aircraft types, engines, systems, live fires, fire fighting operations, fire fighter safety, extinguishing...

FIR 104: ARFF Officer Development

This airport, rescue firefighting officer development course covers strategic and tactical considerations in a hands-on, live-fire ground environment, as well as leadership training.

ANTH& 100: Survey of Anthropology

An introduction to anthropology with a primary focus on cultural diversity of the human experience. The course surveys four subfields of Anthropology including sociobiology, anthropological linguistics, cultural anthropology, and applied anthropology...

ART& 100: Art Appreciation

Art is a visual language which artists use to record and interpret life experiences. The messages artists share are personal and social records. The ability to understand and appreciate visual art is a skill you can develop through observation and...