AGR 272: Food Sustainability and Safety

Class Program
Credits 5 Lecture Hours 55
Students will study the challenges and importance of sustainable and safe food production. Topics include history of agriculture, geography of hunger, the sustainability concept, agricultural systems, agroecology, biotechnology, and food safety.
Quarters Offered
Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following knowledge or skills:

  1. Understand the concept of subsistence systems and sustainability and through exploring how they relate to culture, agriculture, and the environment.
  2. Better understand contemporary agricultural systems, their origins and their impact on the environment and society.
  3. Understand alternative agriculture systems and their potential for contributing to sustainable agriculture.
  4. Examine the philosophical, cultural, ecological, economic, and technical bases for achieving sustainable food production systems.
  5. Have enhanced ability to assess the environmental ramifications of agriculture systems.
  6. Have enhanced understanding of the concept of sustainability and its implementation in agriculture.
  7. Conduct themselves responsibly as an individual and as a member of a team or group as shown by participation in organized discussion and field trips.
  8. Seek knowledge, information and diverse viewpoints as demonstrated by reading course materials and obtaining and interpreting additional information for the course term paper.
  9. Think critically as exemplified by written and oral responses to questions pertaining to class readings
  10. Develop critical thinking skills and an ability to analyze and compare agricultural systems from economic, social, and environmental perspectives.
Course Content Outline
  1. World views and agriculture
  2. History of agriculture
  3. Sustainability concept
  4. Biotechnology
  5. Social, ecological and economic impacts of industrial and alternative agriculture systems
  6. World food systems
  7. Agro ecology
  8. Ecological Economics
  9. Geography of hunger
  10. Local food systems/networks