
ART 212: American Art

Beginning with the era of the colonization of North America by European nations and ending with the 20th century, this course will trace the development of art in the United States.

ART 218: Western Art: Impressionism to Art After 1945

A survey of the history of western art and architecture from late nineteenth century to contemporary times. Explore the work of the Impressionists like Monet and the Cubism of Picasso to the modem artwork of Jackson Pollock.

ART 221: Watercolor Painting I

The study of water color painting from still life and nature with an introduction to the materials and techniques of watercolor painting.

ART 222: Watercolor Painting II

A continuation of the study of water color painting from still life and nature with the materials and techniques of water color painting.

ART 223: Watercolor Painting III

Advanced water color painting is an emphasis upon the student’s artistic growth and the development of his or her own style and voice using watercolor techniques and materials.