
ART 231: Oil Painting I

Introduction to the materials and techniques of oil painting. Painting from still life and nature using creative compositions.

ART 232: Oil Painting II

Continuation of exploration in oil painting materials and techniques with an emphasis on developing content or message in the paintings.

ART 233: Oil Painting III

Advanced oil painting is an emphasis upon the students artistic growth and the development of his or her own style and voice using oil painting techniques and materials.

ASTR& 100: Survey of Astronomy

A survey course intended for the non-science major. Topics studied will include most of the following: historical astronomy, electromagnetic radiation, telescopes, the Earth-Moon system, the solar system, the sun, stars, stellar evolution, galaxies...

ASTR& 101: Intro to Astronomy

A survey course intended for the non-science major. Topics studied will include most of the following: historical astronomy, electromagnetic radiation, telescopes, the Earth-Moon system, the solar system, the sun, stars, stellar evolution, galaxies...

ASTR 105: Observational Astronomy

A descriptive overview of astronomy with particular emphasis on observation. Lectures will cover the solar system, the Earth-Moon system, stellar systems, celestial motion, the history of visual astronomy, optical aids, and observing techniques. This...

AUT 105: Automotive Personal Computer Applications

An introductory course covering the operation of personal computers using automotive applications. Hardware components, Windows Operating System, word processing, spreadsheets, and student created presentations will be covered emphasizing “hands-on”...

AUT 111: Automotive Engine Service

This course covers the theory of engine operation and the procedures necessary to perform automobile engine troubleshooting, repair and rebuilding. Topics covered include shop skills, engine operation, engine blocks, engine crankshafts, engine...

AUT 115: Automotive Shop Safety and Environmental Issues

This course covers automotive shop safety rules, procedures, and shop equipment operation and is required before a student is allowed to work in the automotive laboratory. The proper handling, storage, and disposal of automotive related hazardous...

AUT 121: Automotive Electrical and Electronic Systems

This comprehensive course covers both theory and operation of the electrical systems in todays high-tech vehicles. Topics covered include D.C. electrical theory, D.C. circuitry, Ohms Law, solid state components, batteries, starting circuits, charging...