MUSC 260: Percussion Ensemble
MUSC 270: Musical Theatre Workshop
NUR 100: Nursing Assistant
NUR 110: Fundamentals of Nursing
Focus is on fundamental nursing theory for the practice of nursing upon which the Level IADN Nursing student may apply the nursing process to identify and meet the cultural, physical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs of the adult and...
NUR 111: Fundamentals of Nursing Practicum
Practical application in the clinical setting of nursing theory and skills taught in NUR 110 and NUR 135. Practicum focuses on nursing care to a variety of adult and geriatric patients.
NUR 114: Pharmacology
An introduction to nursing principles of medication administration. Explores the therapeutic actions, major side effects, and nursing implications of common drugs in major classifications. Principles of medication administration and dosage...
NUR 120: Beginning Nursing Concepts I
Focus is on nursing theory as it relates to the adult patient with commonly occurring health conditions, and includes an introduction to the care of the patient in the perioperative and maternal/newborn setting.
NUR 121: Beginning Nursing Practicum I
Practical application in the clinical setting of nursing theory and skills taught in previous nursing courses and introduced in NUR 120 and NUR 136. Practicum focuses on nursing care to a variety of patients in the medical/surgical, perioperative...
NUR 130: Beginning Nursing Concepts II
This course continues to focus on nursing theory as it relates to basic needs throughout the lifespan, including care of the pediatric patient.