
NUR 231: Advanced Nursing Practicum III

This course focuses on increasing independence and skill in the performance and management of patient care in the clinical setting under the guidance of a registered nurse, based on nursing theory and skills taught in previous nursing courses.

NUR 235: Nursing Skills Laboratory

This course provides for the practice of nursing skills in a controlled setting in order to gain proficiency for delivery of nursing care in the clinical setting (NUR 211). The content is based on theoretical nursing knowledge taught in NUR 210.

NUR 236: Nursing Skills Laboratory

This course provides for the practice of nursing skills in a controlled setting in order to gain proficiency for delivery of patient care in the clinical setting (NUR 221). The content is based on theoretical nursing knowledge taught in NUR 220 and...

NUR 240: Professional Issues

This course is designed to assist students in making the transition from the academic setting to a healthcare work environment. It provides preparation for the NCLEX examination, and information about the professional role of the nurse and the legal...

NUR 295: Work-Based Learning Practicum

A supervised work experience in the allied healthcare field designed to enhance the application of learned nursing theory and lab skills. Area of learning must be approved by instructor.

NUTR& 101: Nutrition

This course is intended for students pursuing careers in Nursing or other Allied Health fields. This course in nutrition will present information on the chemistry and the biological function of nutrients in the body.  Diseases associated with an...

PHIL& 101: Intro to Philosophy

This course is an introduction to philosophy for students who have no previous background in the subject. The course presents a broad overview of philosophical topics of interest and importance such as the nature of knowledge and the contents of...

PHIL 102: Ethics and Policy in Healthcare I

This is the first in a series of five courses exploring values, ethics, and legal decision-making frameworks and policies used to support the well-being of people and groups within the context of the healthcare professions.