
MA 195: Externship/Practicum for the Medical Assistant

The course will focus students on real life work in a medical office assisting physicians and office personnel by performing assigned duties in both administrative and clinical procedures. The work experience is supported by instructor site visits...

MA 197: Externship/Practicum Seminar

This class enhances the students’ abilities and work-based learning at the externship site. Students will review important topics by applying concepts acquired in the clinical area. Students will share information, procedures and experiences in...

MUSC 100: Introduction to Music

A survey course for non-majors. Introduction to the materials of music and world music literature, with a special emphasis on the literature, composers and history of the Western European Art Music tradition.

MUSC 101: Ukulele Orchestra (Ukestra)

The ukulele is an extremely popular instrument for good reason. It is inexpensive, portable, and approachable by everyone. This course covers everything you need to know about the ukulele. This includes uke anatomy, tuning, types, reading chord...

MUSC& 105: Music Appreciation

This course is designed to acquaint students with the elements of music and enhance the students experience in listening to music from a global perspective. By drawing attention to the wide variety of music and the place/role of music in different...

MUSC 110: College Chorus

This traditional ensemble made up of mixed voices rehearses a wide variety of choral literature for study and performance. This ensemble will perform quarterly for campus and community events. This course may be repeated for up to six credits.

MUSC 114: Mariachi Workshop

Through a variety of learning experiences students will be introduced to traditional Mexican Mariachi music. Through reading, listening, singing and playing, students will experience, discover, explore and create music from this rich musical heritage...

MUSC 115: Group Piano I

This course presents the basic concepts and skills to develop performing proficiency at the piano. Musical activities and projects will build growth in technical skills such as major and minor scale patterns, musical skills such as sight reading and...

MUSC 116: Group Piano II

This course presents the basic to intermediate concepts and skills to develop performing proficiency at the piano. Musical activities and projects will build growth in technical skills such as major and minor scale patterns, musical skills such as...

MUSC 117: Group Piano III

This course presents the intermediate concepts and skills to develop performing proficiency at the piano. Musical activities and projects will build growth in technical skills such as major and minor scale patterns, musical skills such as sight...