Instruction and training in troubleshooting, testing and repairing industrial control devices. Electrical motor drives, instrumentation, and programmable controllers will be covered.
Human Machine Interface (HMI) has become one of the essentials of modern industrial automation systems. HMI is a display on touch-sensitive screens that connects a person to a machine. Even though Programable Logic Controls (PLC) often run behind the...
Maintenance procedures and troubleshooting techniques for control/measurement loops in the industrial environment along with fundamentals of control valves, actuators, their applications, techniques of safe trouble shooting, testing, repairing, and...
Fundamentals of industrial hydraulic, pneumatic, and vacuum systems. Includes pumps, piping, compressors, check valves, cylinders, motors, control valves and flow controls.
This course explores the fundamentals of pump system characteristics, hydraulic principles, and pumping technology; including various designs, pump seals, lubrication, & mechanical maintenance.
A supervised work experience in industrial systems enhancing the application of classroom instruction and skills and/or area of specialization approved by the program advisor. May be repeated up to twelve (12) credits.
Feedback and discussion to integrate and relate work based learning and classroom based instruction. Work ethic, leadership, safety and occupational health, environmental issues, and other student generated topics are examined. May be repeated up to...
For persons interested in using digital cameras and computer techniques to produce images for newspapers, magazines, and other print media, and for Internet transmission and web sites. Students will be required to produce images showing specific...
This course is designed to prepare students with academic level research skills necessary to create search strategies, locate resources, identify formats, evaluate search results, understand APA and other citation styles, and avoid plagiarism.