
HIST 245: American Civil War & Reconstruction

This course examines the institutions, events, and personalities that made the Civil War an “irrepressible conflict,” and the difficult reconstruction period that followed. The onset of the Civil War was rooted in the national controversy over...

HIST 250: Ancient Greece

A survey course of Greek history, beginning with the first identifiably Greek peoples of the Bronze Age and continuing down through the Dark Ages, the Classical period in Greece, the rise of Macedonia and Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Age...

HIST 270: The Roman World

This course is a survey of Roman history from the founding of the city in the 8th century BC to the collapse of the Empire in the west in the 5th century AD. The content is organized chronologically, but we will also take time to look at Roman...

HUM 108: Introduction to Gender Studies

This course introduces students to major issues, concepts, and basic terms central to the field of Gender Studies. Throughout the quarter, we will critically engage with social, cultural and historical ideas about what it means to be female and male...

HUM 110: Greek Mythology

Greek Mythology is the basis for understanding Western literature, art, history and even some symbolism on U.S. currency. More than just entertainment, the ancient myths discuss our relationship to the divine, the nature of power, and the importance...

HUM 214: Diversity Issues: Race, Class and Gender

This cultural diversity studies course examines and investigates culture, behavior, values, identity, stereotypes, person and societal perceptions, and the cultural construction of reality using a literature-based and experientially based cognitive...

IST 100: Introduction to Industrial Safety and Health

Introduction to basic industrial safety and health incorporating OSHA/WISHA rules and regulations, personal protective equipment, chemical safety, tool safety, material handling safety, machine safety, electrical safety, fire protection, health...

IST 106: Basic Electricity - AC Circuit Analysis

Teaches alternating current theory, waveform quantities and characteristics, including network analysis with reactive components. Proper use of test equipment and troubleshooting simple circuits.