
HSC 031: Washington State Government and History

Washington State Government and History examines Washington history from native and European contact to the present. The study of Washington state includes an examination of the state constitution, key treaties, and tribal sovereignty issues...

HSC 032: Contemporary World Events

Contemporary World Events examines modern world history and geography to identify global themes rooted in environmental issues, economic development, human rights, and civic action and responsibility. High school completion only. Students may earn 0...

HSC 035: Fine Arts

This course will contextualize artistic study throughout other high school content areas including language, science, history, and elective credits. Artistic expression and study may range from visual design, creative writing, textile, and natural...

HSC 040: Occupational Education

This course is designed to assist students in determining their personal, educational and occupational goals by identifying marketable skills and exploring the current labor market. High school completion credit only.

HSC 045: Elective and Personal Pathway (PPR)

The elective course is designed to enable students to further explore and develop special interest skills through independent study. Students may focus on personal, educational, or career pathways aligned with their Personal Pathway (PPR) and/or...

HSC 049: Portfolio

This course is the final capstone project for the HS21+ high school diploma. Students will create a portfolio that demonstrates their cumulative learning, community service project, college readiness, and career readiness.

HIST 110: The American Experience

A brief history of the United States, this course combines a chronological and thematic approach to answer a few essential questions—the most important of which being, what does it mean to be an American? Critical periods in American History are...

HIST& 116: Western Civilization I

From the origins of civilization to the dawn of the modern world in the 1500 s, this course surveys the classical world of Greece and Rome, Western Christendom, Byzantium and Islam, the Middle Ages, and the early Renaissance.

HIST& 117: Western Civilization II

From early modern Europe to the Napoleonic Wars in the nineteenth century, this course examines Western civilization in transition: The Renaissance and Reformation, commercial expansion into the Americas, Africa and Asia, absolutism, science, the...

HIST& 118: Western Civilization III

This course stresses the international transition from European dominance to the rise of superpowers and third world nations. World Wars, depression, Democracy, Nazism, Communism, and the European Community are major themes. (1800 -1990).