
ENGL 239: The Mystery Story as Literature

From Sherlock Holmes to C.S.I., mystery stories have been popular and enduring forms of entertainment. In addition to exploring the world of crime, mysteries can offer insight into the nature of good and evil, raise questions about the human...

ENGL 243: The American Novel

An introduction to the major American novels of the 19th and 20th centuries. Novels will be chosen from the works of major writers such as Melville, Hawthorne, Crane, James, Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Salinger and Mailer.

ENGL& 244: American Literature I

This course explores the religious views, politics, and cultural beliefs of early America through its literature. Texts range from American literature’s beginning to 1860, focusing on American authors and poets, beginning with Puritan and Separatist...

ENGL& 245: American Literature II

An introduction to American Literature from 1860 to the 1960’s. Explore the religious views, politics, and ideologies of late nineteenth century to the late twentieth century of America through its literature. This course studies American authors...

ENGL& 246: American Literature III

This class explores American literature published in the decades since 1960. Themes studied may include terrorism and cold war anxiety, technology, gender roles, multiculturalism, alienation, rebellion, popular psychology, or others relevant to the...

ENGL 261: Women’s Literature

This course begins by asking the questions “What is Womens Literature?” and “Why study Womens Literature?” Reading a variety of genres (poetry, fiction, & nonfiction), students will engage with intersecting expressions of womanhood across identities...

ENGL 272: Graphic Novel as Literature

Though once condemned as “low brow” literature and “badly drawn, badly written, and badly printed.. .pulp-paper nightmares” certain to turn young readers into juvenile delinquents, comics have forever been on the cutting edge of counterculture and...

ENVS& 100: Survey of Env Science

An introduction to the fundamental principles of environmental science, topics of study include some of the following topics: environmental, science, and information literacy, human population growth, environmental health, ecological economics and...