
ENGR 110: Intro to Science and Engineering

Students in this course will investigate careers in science and engineering, and will research the educational pathways to those careers. In addition, students will learn techniques for becoming a successful student in science and engineering majors.

ENGR& 111: Engineering Graphics I

This course studies the principles of mechanical drawings: geometric construction, orthographic projection, sectional views, auxiliary views, isometric and oblique drawings, dimensions, threads, fasteners, and lettering using AutoCad software. This...

ENGR& 112: Engineering Graphics II

This course uses computer software to draft parametric models in three dimensions using Solidworks software. This course covers file management methods, rapid prototyping, and 2D drawing development techniques. (Formerly ENGR 265)

ENGR 201: Material Science

An introduction to Materials Science that includes the atomic, molecular, and crystalline structures of materials and their relationship to electrical, mechanical, thermal, and chemical properties, as well as an introduction to materials processing...

ENGR 202: Design of Logic Circuits

This course introduces students to the methods, skills and theoretical knowledge needed to design, simulate, and build combinational logic and basic sequential logic circuits. Using industry relevant CAD tools and design technologies, students will...

ENGR& 204: Electrical Circuits

This course introduces electrical circuit concepts and mathematical models to analyze electrical circuits and systems. The behaviors of circuit components including resistors, sources, capacitors, inductors and operational amplifiers will be examined...

ENGR 205: Electric Circuits Lab

This course utilizes lab experiments to verify electrical circuit principles that are learned in ENGR& 204. Students will also perform measurements to confirm the analytical solutions from mathematical models. Some engineering programs including...

ENGR& 214: Statics

Statics is the study of objects which are either at rest or moving with constant velocity. Students in this course will learn to apply mathematics and physical science to the analysis of the forces and moments acting on these objects, developing...

ENGR& 215: Dynamics

Dynamics is the study of the accelerated motion of particles and rigid bodies. The study of the motion in this course will deal with kinematics (the mathematical description of the motion) and kinetics (the analysis of the forces causing the motion)...

ENGR& 224: Thermodynamics

Thermodynamics is the science of energy. This course introduces the basic principles of thermodynamics from a macroscopic point of view and applies them to engineering systems such as heat pumps, engines, power plants, and refrigeration. Topics...