
CJ 203: Police Administration and Leadership

This course covers an overview of police organization and administration. Principals of management and effective leadership will be covered in relation to line and staff positions and advancement within a law enforcement career.

CJ 209: Police Psychology

This course introduces theories of perception, emotion, motivation, personality and nonverbal communication used as tools by police officers in everyday contacts. Understanding behavior and predicting human behavior in common police situations are...

CJ 210: Introduction to American Policing

This course examines the role of policing in American society. Theories and practices are covered from historical and contemporary perspectives. This course identifies challenges in law enforcement including the political, social, organizational, and...

CJ 215: Criminal Investigations

This course will review the role investigations play in the criminal justice system. Topics covered will include: investigative theory; collection and preservation of evidence; sources of information; interview and interrogation; uses of forensic...

CJ 217: Advanced Report Writing

This course presents advanced technical writing content specific to the criminal justice system. Students review standard grammar, punctuation and compositions skills. The content includes, but not limited to the following: complicated police reports...

CJ 295: Work-Based Learning (CJ)

Supervised, non-paid, work experience in a government or municipal agency involving the application of classroom information and skills. This course may be repeated for up to 8 credits. Credits will be directly related to number of hours worked.

CJ 297: Work-Based Learning Seminar

Feedback and discussion to integrate and relate work based learning and classroom based instruction. This course may be repeated for up to 8 credits.

ECED& 105: Intro Early Child Ed

Explore the foundations of early childhood education. Examine theories defining the field, issues, and trends, best practices, and program models. Observe children, professionals and programs in action. Course may include fieldwork. (Formerly: ECE...

ECED& 107: Health/Safety/Nutrition

This course introduces basic concepts of equitable health, safety and nutrition standards for the growing child in group care and education programs. Requirements as outlined in Child Care Block Grant funding (CCDF) and state licensing standards for...

ECED& 120: Practicum-Nurturing Rel

In an early learning setting, engage in establishing nurturing, supportive relationships with all children and professional peers. Focus on children's health & safety, promoting growth & development, and creating a culturally responsive environment...