ECED& 107: Health/Safety/Nutrition

Credits 5 Lecture Hours 55
This course introduces basic concepts of equitable health, safety and nutrition standards for the growing child in group care and education programs. Requirements as outlined in Child Care Block Grant funding (CCDF) and state licensing standards for child care providers will be covered including the knowledge and skills to ensure appropriate health, nutritional, and safety practices. In addition, the course will emphasize the skills necessary to recognize signs of child maltreatment, the educator s role as a mandated reporter and the process of identifying and referring families to available community resources. Course may include fieldwork. (Formerly: ECE 105)
Quarters Offered
Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following knowledge or skills:

Outcomes are aligned with the Washington State Core Competencies for Early Care and Education Professionals and the National Association for the Education of Young Children Standards.
  1. Describe the basic concepts of equitable health, safety, and nutrition in group care and education programs.
    Core Competencies: Area V: Health, Safety, & Nutrition-Knowledge of Regulations-1d, 2f, 3a, Environmental Safety-1g-Responding to Health Needs of Children-1d, 2d, 2g.
    NAEYC: Standard 1: Promoting Child Development and Learning Key Element: 1c.
  2. Evaluate safety policies that prevent and minimize accidents for both indoor and outdoor environments.
    Core Competencies: Area II: Curriculum & Learning-Physical Development-1g, Area V: Health, Safety, & Nutrition-Knowledge of Regulations-1f, 3a-Environmental Safety-1e, 2b, 3b.
    NAEYC: Standard 1: Promoting Child Development and Learning Key Element 1c., Standard 6: Becoming a Professional Key Element 6b.
  3. Analyze and describe the procedures required in providing emergency first aid, safe food services practices, routine health and safety practices, and mandated reporting requirements.
    Core Competencies: Area V: Health, Safety & Nutrition-Knowledge of Regulations-1h, 2d,-Responding to Health Needs of Children-2g-Nutrition-1e.
    NAEYC: Standard 1: Promoting Child Development and Learning Key Element 1c, Standard 6: Becoming a Professional Key Element 6b.
  4. Describe the role of nutrition as it relates to development, licensing regulations for childcare, and government food programs
    Core Competencies: Area V: Health, Safety, & Nutrition-Nutrition-Nutrition-1h, 2d, 3b.
    NAEYC: Standard 1: Becoming a Professional Key Element 6b.
  5. Create developmentally appropriate and culturally diverse health, safety, and nutrition education materials and activities
    Core Competencies: Area II: Curriculum & Learning-Physical Development-2g, Area V: Health, Safety, & Nutrition-Environmental Safety-2d-Responding to Health Needs of Children-2h, 3f-Nutrition-1g, 3f.
    NAEYC: Standard 1: Promoting Child Development and Learning Key Element 1c, Standard 6: Becoming a Professional Key Element 6b.
  6. Identify common indicators of illnesses/infectious diseases and describe appropriate steps to be followed in preventing these illnesses/infections and/or preventing the further spread of them.
    Core Competencies: Area V: Health, Safety, & Nutrition-Knowledge of Regulations-3a-Responding to Health Needs of Children-1g, 2b, 3a.
    NAEYC: Standard 1: Promoting Child Development and Learning Key Element 1c, Standard 6: Becoming a Professional Key Element 6b.
  7. Develop strategies for working with diverse families in accessing and utilizing health, nutritional, and dental services
    Core Competencies: Area IV: Family & Community Partnerships-Community Resources-2a, 3a, Area V: Health, Safety & Nutrition-Responding to Health Needs of Children-3c-Nutrition-2b, 3g.
    NAEYC: Standard 1: Promoting Child Development and Learning Key Element 1c, Standard 2: Building Family and Community Relationships Key Element 2b, Standard 4: Using Developmentally Effective Approaches to Connect with Children and Families Key Element 4d, Standard 6: Becoming a Professional Key Element 6b.
  8. Identify and follow requirements of grants and state licensing agencies responsible for the health, nutrition and safety of children enrolled in group and education settings.
    Core Competencies: Area V: Health, Safety & Nutrition-Knowledge of Regulations-1d, 4b, Environmental Safety-1g, 3a, 5c., Responding to Health Needs of Children-2e, 5b, Nutrition-1b, 4a, 5a.
    NAEYC: Standard 1: Promoting Child Development and Learning Key Element 1c, Standard 6 Key Element 6b.
Course Content Outline
  1. Children’s Well-Being: What It Is and How to Achieve It
  2. Daily Health Observations
  3. Assessing Children’s Health
  4. Common Chronic Medical Conditions Affecting Children’s Health
  5. The Infectious Process and Environmental Control
  6. Communicable and Acute Illness: Identification and Management
  7. Creating High-Quality Environments
  8. Safety Management
  9. Management of Injuries and Acute Illness
  10. Maltreatment of Children: Abuse and Neglect
  11. Planning for Children’s Health and Safety Education
  12. Nutritional Guidelines
  13. Nutrients that Provide Energy (Carbohydrates, Fats, and Proteins)
  14. Nutrients That Promote Growth of Body Tissues (Proteins, Minerals, and Water)
  15. Nutrients That Regulate Body Functions (Vitamins, Minerals, Protein, and Water
  16. Feeding Infants
  17. Feeding Toddlers and Young Children
  18. Planning and Serving Nutritious and Economical Meals
  19. Food Safety
  20. Nutrition Education Concepts and Activities
Department Guidelines
Course may include, but not limited to the following activities:
  1. Student presentations on various topics outlined in textbook
  2. Guest speakers from health field (Safe Kids-bike, carseat and helmet safety, nutritionist)
  3. Participate in community health fair
  4. Participate in first aid/CPR training, Blood Borne pathogens training, and/or Food Handler’s training
  5. Washington State Early Learning Guidelines
  6. Summaries of articles from professional journals, magazines or websites
  7. Quizzes/assessments of student’s knowledge
  8. Observations in early learning environments
  9. Interviews of early childhood professionals and/or health specialists
  10. Reflections of student learning
  11. Review of Washington State Core Competencies for Early Care and Education Professionals
  12. Video clips to reinforce specific skills (via You Tube)