
ECED& 132: Infants/Toddlers Care

Examine the unique developmental needs of infants and toddlers. Study the role of the caregiver, relationships with families, developmentally appropriate practices, nurturing environments for infants and toddlers, and culturally relevant care. Course...

ECED& 134: Family Childcare Management

Learn how to manage a family childcare program. Topics include: licensing requirements, record-keeping, relationship building, communication strategies, guiding behavior, and promoting growth and development. Course may include fieldwork.

ECED& 138: Home Visiting & Family Engagement

Plan and provide home visits and group activities that promote secure parent-child relationships and support families to provide high-quality early learning experiences that are embedded in everyday routines and experiences. Course may include...

ECED& 139: Admin of Early Lrng Prog.

Develop administrative skills required to develop, open, operate, manage, and improve early childhood education and care programs. Acquire basic business management skills. Explore resources and supports for meeting Washington State licensing and...

ECED& 160: Curriculum Development

Investigate learning theory, program planning, tools and methods for curriculum development promoting language, fine/gross motor, social-emotional, cognitive and creative skills and growth in children birth through age 8 utilizing developmentally...

ECED& 170: Environments-Young Child

This class focuses on the adults role in designing, evaluating, and improving indoor and outdoor environments that ensure quality learning, nurturing experiences, and optimize the development of young children. Course may include fieldwork. (Formerly...

ECED& 180: Lang/Literacy Develop

Teaching strategies for language acquisition and literacy skill development are examined at each developmental stage (birth-age 8) through the four interrelated areas of speaking, listening, writing, and reading. Course may include fieldwork....

ECED& 190: Observation /Assessment

Collect and record observation data in order to plan for and support the child, the family, the group and the community. Practice reflection techniques, summarizing conclusions and communicating findings. Course may include fieldwork.

ECON 200: Introduction to Economics

Overview of the basic principles of the American Economy to include supply and demand, money and banking, international trade, GDP, inflation, unemployment, and analysis of the market system. THIS IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR ECONK 201 or ECONK 202.

ECON& 201: Micro Economics

Micro economic concepts are applied to business and household decision-making as well as public policy. Major topics include: scarcity and choice, production possibilities, supply and demand analysis, elasticity, consumer choice, production and costs...