
CS 235: Data Structures and Algorithms with C++

The 3rd course in a yearlong study of the foundations of Computer Science. In this course a variety of data structures and their associated algorithms are implemented and utilized. Basic data structures such as arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues...

CS 245: Data Structures and Algorithms with Java

The 3rd course in a yearlong study of the foundations of Computer Science. In this course a variety of data structures and their associated algorithms are implemented and utilized. Basic data structures such as arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues...

CS 260: Computer Programming Topics

This course highlights a new emerging software development, programming language, cloud computing, web application, or mobile application topic. In consultation with their Computer Science program advisor, students choose a specialized or in-depth...

CJ& 101: Intro Criminal Justice

This course provides an overview of the criminal justice system discussing law enforcement, the courts, corrections, juvenile justice, and current issues. This course examines the Constitutional requirements, historical development of the system, the...

CJ& 105: Introduction to Corrections

This course will examine the historical context, philosophical concepts, and major theories that have shaped corrections in the United States. Various sentencing options, correctional approaches and programs, the role of corrections in the larger...

CJ& 106: Juvenile Justice

This course will cover the history and philosophy of juvenile justice in America and the impact of societal reforms on the juvenile justice system. Multiple theories of delinquency will be discussed, as well as how society’s response to criminal...

CJ& 110: Criminal Law

This course is designed as an introduction into the study of criminal law and will review the difference between crimes against property, crimes against public, and crimes against a person. This course will study the various mental states required...

CJ 198: Special Topics

This course provides individual study in one of the criminal justice subject areas. Study and credit hours determined at the time of enrollment by the instructor.