
ENGR& 225: Mechanics of Materials

An introduction to the concepts of stress, strain, deformation, and failure theory in solid materials. Applies mechanics of materials concepts to structural and machine elements such as rods, shafts, and beams. These elements are analyzed in tension...

ENGR 240: Applied Numerical Methods

This course includes application of the following methods: elements of error analysis, real roots of an equation, polynomial approximation by finite difference and least square methods, interpolation, quadrature, numerical solution of ordinary...

ENGL 094: Applied Technical Writing Foundations

This course is designed for students who need ENGL 109: Applied Technical Writing but placed at below-college level English. The course provides instruction in professional written communication. Students compose formal essays and a variety of...

ENGL 098: Basic English Skills

English 098 Basic English Skills provides instruction in basic writing skills, particularly sentence patterns and paragraph development. The course also introduces students to concepts of grammar, mechanics, punctuation, spelling, word usage...

ENGL 99: English Skills

This composition course provides instruction in academic written communication. Students compose formal essays to learn to communicate effectively and to engage with issues and ideas. The course is taught as ENGL& 101 enhanced with instruction in ENG...

ENGL 100: English Composition Foundations

This composition course provides instruction in academic written communication. Students compose formal essays to learn to communicate effectively and to engage with issues and ideas. ENGL 100 is taught as ENGL & 101 with additional support. Students...

ENGL& 101: English Composition I

This composition course provides instruction in academic written communication by having students compose formal essays, with the goal of teaching students to communicate effectively and engage with issues and ideas.

ENGL& 102: Composition II

This advanced composition course provides instruction in academic writing through literary analysis and increases students’ exposure to literature.

ENGL 105: The Moral of the Story

This course examines different ways that we can find meaning and value in the stories that surround us. We will use our own values and experiences, as well as other perspectives, to gain a better understanding of cultural artifacts such as movies...