This course is designed for students who need ENGL 109: Applied Technical Writing but placed at below-college level English. The course provides instruction in professional written communication. Students compose formal essays and a variety of technical documents to learn to communicate effectively. Students will focus on reading, interpreting, evaluating, planning, organizing, and composing professional and technical writing as applied in academics, business, and industry. This course provides instruction in ENGL 109 with embedded support. Students earn ENGL 094 or ENGL 109 depending on demonstrated competencies at course completion. A passing grade in ENGL 094 earns 5 credits; a passing grade in ENGL 109 earns 3 credits ENGL 109 plus 2 credits General Electives.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following knowledge or skills:
- Demonstrate clarity of ideas, conciseness in language, logical flow, and sound support of assertions in written documents and visual presentations;
- Edit documents with confidence and accuracy to demonstrate control of English grammar, spelling, and punctuation;
- Identify and define the purposes and properties of technical writing;
- Locate, extract, comprehend, evaluate, and apply information found on the Internet;
- Compose short essays (500-1000 words) and technical documents appropriate for a variety of audiences such as co-workers, supervisors, customers, academic audiences, and business and community leaders.
Institutional Outcomes
IO1 Communication: Students will be able to communicate clearly and effectively.
IO3 Human Relations/Workplace Skills: Students will be able to demonstrate teamwork, ethics, appropriate safety awareness and/or workplace specific skills.
IO3 Human Relations/Workplace Skills: Students will be able to demonstrate teamwork, ethics, appropriate safety awareness and/or workplace specific skills.
Course Content Outline
- Module 1—Audience Awareness
- Identifying and analyzing author’s purpose
- Evaluating information
- Clear and concise language use
- Identifying and analyzing audiences and their needs
- Communicating effectively with customers, co workers, supervisors
- Module 2—Reports and Purposeful Writing
- Incident and accident reports
- Workplace self-evaluation
- Summary/response, process analysis, position paper
- Job posting, resume, professional email
- Project proposal
- Module 3—Teamwork and Ethics
- Problem Solving
- Safety in the workplace
- Ethical behaviors in the workplace
- Team projects
- Teaching a process to an audience
Department Guidelines
- Writing Assignments will make up no less than 75% of the overall score.
- PO5 should be assessed: Students will be able to solve problems by gathering, interpreting, combining and/or applying information from multiple sources.