
HED 160: Pharmacology for Allied Health

This basic pharmacology course provides instruction on therapeutic action and major side effects of common drugs, principles of medication and dosage calculations for allied health pathways.

HSC 010: Reading/Writing/Communication (HS English 1)

Reading/Writing/Communication (HS English 1) focuses on reading, writing, and language through the study of history, past and present, including conventions of traditional grammar, sentence structure, and paragraph structure. Speaking, listening, and...

HSC 015: Career and Technical HS Mathematics

The course provides math instruction in applied math concepts to include whole numbers, fractions, decimals, geometrical concepts and shapes, interpreting graphs and charts, statistical information and probability along with algebraic expressions and...

HSC 016: Algebra I HS Mathematics

The course provides math instruction in interpreting graphs and charts with algebraic expressions and equations to meet the math skills required for high school graduation. For high school completion credit only. May be repeated as needed.

HSC 017: HS Geometry

The course provides math instruction in applied math concepts to geometrical concepts and shapes and interpreting graphs and charts to meet the math skills required for high school graduation. For high school completion credit only.

HSC 020: General Lab-Science

This lab course provides basic instruction and lab exposure related to physical, life and earth science content. High school completion credit only. Students can earn 0.25-2.0 high school credits. This course may be repeated.

HSC 021: General Non-Lab Science

This general non-lab science survey course provides basic instruction in physical, life and earth science, necessary for high school graduation. High school completion only. Students may earn 0.25-1 HS credit. This course may be repeated.

HSC 025: Health and Fitness

This course is designed for students to develop physical and mental health fitness skills as required for high school graduation. High school completion credit only. May be repeated as needed.

HSC 030: United State Constitution and Government

United States Constitution and Government traces the nation's history from the pre-colonial period to the present. Students learn about the Native American, European, and African people who lived in America before it became the United States. They...