ENGL 99: English Skills

Class Program
Credits 5 Lecture Hours 55

This composition course provides instruction in academic written communication. Students compose formal essays to learn to communicate effectively and to engage with issues and ideas. The course is taught as ENGL& 101 enhanced with instruction in ENGL 99 skills. Students who demonstrate at least a 2.0 competency in ENGL& 101 skills will receive ENGL&101 credit; students who demonstrate ENGL 099 skills will earn ENGL 099 credit. This course has a co-requisite of CSS 106, College Reading Strategies. Students must be enrolled in both courses, ENGL 099 and CSS 106, in the same quarter. A grade of 2.0 in ENGL 99 is required to move into ENGL& 101.


Placement into ENGL 098 or ENGL 99.


Enrollment in CSS 106

Course Outcomes

1.         Analyze texts and present their meanings in writing

2.         Generate and develop ideas through writing

3.         Write purposeful, well-organized paragraphs to support the main idea or thesis of an essay

4.         Demonstrate an awareness of audience through tone, format, and register choices in writing

5.          Edit with confidence and accuracy

6.         Use sources responsibly to avoid plagiarism

7.         Demonstrate MLA formatting, citation, proper use of source material, and documentation

8.         Apply research methodologies to find support for an argumentative thesis.

Institutional Outcomes
IO1 Communication: Students will be able to communicate clearly and effectively.
Course Content Outline
  • Resources
    1. The reading and writing process
    2. Academic honesty
    3. Using word processing and formatting a document
    4. Using Canvas
    5. Using the Writing Center or Online Writing Tutors
    6. Using the library
  • Reading
    1. Identifying and analyzing author’s purpose
    2. Evaluating text for credibility
    3. Analyzing multiple lenses in texts
    4. Making personal connections to text
    5. Making connections across texts
    6. Identifying and analyzing audiences and their needs
  • Writing
    1. Summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting from text
    2. Developing a research question
    3. Creating an informed thesis or claim
    4. Paragraph development and essay development
    5. Transitional devices for coherence and logical flow
    6. Synthesizing sources
    7. Writing to a variety of audiences and purposes
    8. Revising for content, organization, word choice/language
    9. Editing for clarity
    10. Introduction to Modern Language Association format for using sources
Department Guidelines
  1. Writing Assignments will make up no less than 75% of the overall score.
  2. PO5 should be assessed: Students will be able to solve problems by gathering, interpreting, combining and/or applying information from multiple sources.