This course will present the following concepts: college level algebra, introduction to functions and graphing, the graphs and properties of polynomial, rational, radical, exponential and logarithmic functions.
In preparation for calculus this is a comprehensive study of trigonometry, circular functions, right triangle trigonometry, analytical trigonometry. Sequences, series and induction are also covered.
This course is an introduction to descriptive statistics, probability and its applications, statistical inference and hypothesis testing, predictive statistics and linear regression.
This is an introductory calculus course for business and economics students. It includes an introduction to rates of change, differentiation, integration, areas, and appropriate calculus techniques. There are also applications to marginal analysis in...
This course will introduce the student to the basic concepts of the calculus. It will give the student an appreciation of the calculus and its applications in the real world and will prepare the student for future work in mathematics and the sciences...
This course will expand on the applications and techniques of differentiation learned in the first quarter and give a depth study of integration including the fundamental methods of integrating elementary algebraic and transcendental functions. It...
This course will expand on the applications and techniques of differentiation learned in the first and second quarters. It will introduce the student to the calculus of sequences and series and the use of the MacLauren and Taylor series to...
A study of matrix algebra and systems of equations, abstract vector spaces including basis and dimension, linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
This course will introduce the student to the solution elementary differential equations and standard applications of differential equations in science. It will include the solution of first order linear differential equations with applications to...
This course is an introduction to multivariable calculus. It includes the study of three dimensional space curves, vector-valued functions, partial derivatives, differentials, directional derivatives, multiple integration, vector fields, line...