
Career and Technical Education (CTE)

Dual Credit (Formerly Tech Prep)

CTE Dual Credit provides the opportunity for high school students to earn college credit in their high school career and technical education (CTE) classes without...

CTC Reciprocity Agreement

Washington community and technical colleges (CTCs) offer reciprocity to students transferring within the CTC system who are pursuing the Associate in Arts & Science - Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA)...

Transfer Rights and Responsibilities

The following are rights and responsibilities for all students transferring from or into public colleges and universities in the state of Washington as published by the Washington Student Achievement...

International Students

BBCC encourages and welcomes applications for admission from students of other countries who wish to pursue a quality educational experience in the United States. BBCC provides a variety of...


Students with fewer than 30 earned credits must meet with their Academic Advisor each quarter prior to enrollment. Your advisor will discuss your academic goals and help you identify possible courses...

Dropping a Class

A student may drop classes up to ten days before the beginning of final exams without written permission from the instructor. The final date to drop is printed in the Academic Calendar. Students may...

Refund Policy

Students who stop attending class(es) without officially dropping the class(es) may not be eligible for refunds and may receive failing grades. Students requested to withdraw for disciplinary reasons...


All students must complete the enrollment process before attending classes at BBCC. Enrollment sessions are scheduled before the beginning of each quarter for new students. At the New Student...

Enrollment Appointment Date and Time

Enrollment appointment times are the date and time when a student may enroll in classes for the upcoming term. Enrollment appointment times are not for advising. Students are responsible for arranging...