
Veterans Services

BBCC academic programs of study are approved by the Washington Student Achievement Council’s State Approving Agency (WSAC/SAA) for enrollment of persons eligible to receive educational benefits under...

Writing Center

Building 1800 in the Library, Room 1832

Students can bring writing assignments from any of their classes to be reviewed in the Writing Center. Help is also available with developing...

Academic Amnesty

Under the provisions of the BBCC Academic Amnesty procedure, a student may apply for Academic Amnesty if they: are currently enrolled at BBCC, did not enroll in college for at least two consecutive...

Auditing a Course

A student may enroll in a course on an audit basis. An auditing student is not expected to take exams, but the instructor may require reasonable attendance and class participation. No college credit...

Course Numbering System

The following course numbers are used at BBCC:

  • 010-049: Courses in this series do not apply toward graduation from BBCC.
  • 050-099: Courses in this series are below college level. Some of the...

Course Repeat Policy

Under the provisions of this policy, students may elect to repeat a course in an attempt to achieve a higher grade. A course may be repeated twice (enrolled a maximum of three times) and then have the...

Credit by Examination

In addition to standardized tests for specific course credits, students may obtain college credit for courses listed in the current catalog by passing an examination in that course, and/or...

Credits & Credit Load

The academic year is divided into three quarters of approximately 11 weeks each. To be considered full time a student must be enrolled in at least 12 credits per quarter. The typical course load per...

End of Term Grades

Official grades are posted to the transcript and available to view via ctcLink Student Homepage approximately one week after final exams have been completed. These are the only sources of official...

General Examination Credit

Nationally standardized tests fall into two general categories: general subject matter exams, e.g. social science and natural science; and specific subject matter examinations, e.g. history of western...