Reasonable Accommodations for Religion/Conscience: Students who will be absent from course activities due to reasons of faith or conscience may seek reasonable accommodations so that grades are not...
The Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Center is dedicated to providing access to high-quality tutoring support, updated technology, and instructional...
Student housing facilities are available on the BBCC campus. BBCC is one of the few community colleges in the state of Washington that has the ability to provide a traditional on-campus college living...
Big Bend Community College (BBCC) recognizes its responsibility to investigate, resolve, implement supportive and corrective measures, and monitor the educational environment and workplace to...
Student’s rights and responsibilities are defined in the BBCC Student Handbook. The handbook provides students with an in-depth explanation of rights and responsibilities as they pertain to the...
BBCC provides a testing service to assist students in making both academic and career choices. In addition, BBCC serves the broader community as a testing center for the General Educational...
TRIO Student Support Services is a federally funded Title IV grant program through the U.S. Department of Education. It is a college program serving first-generation, low-income, and students with...
TRiO Upward Bound is a federally funded grant program through the U.S. Department of Education. It is a pre-college program serving high school students from low-income and/or first-generation...