Big Bend Community College is an equal employment opportunity and affirmative action employer. Applicants with multicultural experience and/or backgrounds which will add cultural richness and...
The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) is a federal statute codified at 20 U.S.C. § 1092(f), with implementing regulations in the U.S. Code...
This catalog and its components shall not constitute a contract between Big Bend Community College and prospective or enrolled students. The information contained in this catalog reflects the current...
The college’s total liability for claims arising from a contractual relationship with the student in any way related to classes or programs shall be limited to the tuition and expenses paid by the...
1. Apply for admission online at (Email or call 509.793.2089 if you need an alternative way to apply.) Once your application is processed, you will...
To be considered a resident for the purpose of tuition, a person must be either (1) a financially independent student who has had a domicile in the state of Washington for a period of one year...
New students seeking a BBCC degree or planning to enroll in math or English courses must submit approved documentation to determine math and English placement. For more information on alternative...
All new students are required to complete an online orientation prior to attending New Student Enrollment (NSE). The orientation is self-paced. New students will gain knowledge on general college...
Dual-credit programs, sometimes referred to as dual-enrollment programs, provide the opportunity for high school students to earn both high school and college credits in the same course at the same...
Running Start allows qualified high school juniors and seniors to enroll tuition-free in college-level courses as part of their high school program of study. Books, supplies, lab fees, and...