Associate in Applied Science

Medical Office and Billing Support Services AAS

This option is designed for students who are interested in specializing in medical office administration and billing. This degree consists of a combination of medical knowledge, accounting and business skills, and computer applications. Prerequisite and requisite courses must be completed with a minimum grade of 2.0.

Program Learning Outcomes:

  • IO1 Communication
    Students will write, speak, and present information effectively by creating professional documents that would be used in an office or medical office environment.
  • IO2 Quantitative Reasoning
    Students will be able to reason mathematically using methods appropriate to the profession
  • IO3 Human Relations/Workplace Skills
    Students will be able to demonstrate teamwork, professionalism, and/or workplace specific skills.
  • PO4 Students will identify the interpersonal and ethical attributes needed for success in the profession by developing a professional portfolio and/or successfully completing a mock Interview with industry professionals.
  • PO5 Students will develop proficient Microsoft Office techniques by creating professional business documents while meeting an 85% competency level.

The following schedule of courses is the recommended program for completing this degree. Depending on a student’s English or Math placement, and keyboarding skills, additional courses may be required. Substitutions must be approved by a BIM advisor. Some electives are not available every quarter or year. Ask about other classes in which you may be interested.

Total Credits