CSS 102: Focus on Success

Class Program
Credits 3 Lecture Hours 33
Students will explore many of the non-academic factors that affect success in college. Students will study self-awareness and the practical application of research to the following areas: career and college course choices; relationships; diversity; values; stress management; substance use; sexual decisions; financial literacy, and diet and exercise. In addition, students will develop basic computer literacy as they explore the nonacademic factors through computer use, word processing operations, email, and use of the Internet
Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following knowledge or skills:

  1. Use higher order problem-solving and critical thinking skills to explain why they are at college, to identify a degree, program, or certificate goal at college, and to write a plan of classes, resources, and schedule to achieve those goals.
  2. Identify, define, and practice skills to cope with stress, substance use, sexual decisions. relationships, money management, and health, particularly as these items intersect with college success.
  3. Identify and analyze values and their impact on college success.
  4. Identify and practice ways to apply skills developed in CSS 102 to other college classes.
Course Content Outline
  1. Review of practical skills for college success: interaction with fellow students and instructors and time management,
  2. Financial literacy and money management
  3. Causes of and potential solutions for stress and depression.
  4. Values clarification and ways values influence student choices in college success, career choice, and future plans.
  5. Career literacy: how to look for a job, how to handle job interviews, how to write a resume.
  6. Physical and mental health
  7. Diversity and multiculturalism in college and in the workplace.
  8. Internet and social media in college, relationships, and the workplace
  9. Transferring skills to other classes