College Success Skills

Dawnne Ernette

Zach Olson

Rhonda Kitchen

CSS courses helps students become more effective learners and achieve their goals at Big Bend Community College. National studies show that students who take CSS courses are more likely to stay in college and graduate than students who do not. CSS courses teach students skills that research has identified as essential to college success. CSS courses add to or build on the skills students already have as students debate the purpose of college, practice reading and studying techniques, engage in critical thinking, and explore the many resources Big Bend Community College offers to help them succeed.

Library 101 is designed to prepare students with academic level research skills necessary to create search strategies, locate resources, identify formats, evaluate search results, understand APA and other citation styles, and avoid plagiarism. Prerequisite: Placement into ENGL 099 or successful completion of ENGL 098 with a 2.0 or higher All course work for this class will be completed online through Canvas.


CSS 100: College Success Skills

Credits 3
CSS 100 helps students become more effective learners and achieve their goals at Big Bend. National studies show that students who take courses like CSS 100 are more likely to stay in college and graduate than students who do not. CSS 100 teaches students skills that research has identified as essential to college success. CSS 100 adds to or builds on the skills students already have as students debate the purpose of college, practice reading and studying techniques, engage in critical thinking, and explore the many resources Big Bend offers to help them succeed.

CSS 102: Focus on Success

Credits 3
Students will explore many of the non-academic factors that affect success in college. Students will study self-awareness and the practical application of research to the following areas: career and college course choices; relationships; diversity; values; stress management; substance use; sexual decisions; financial literacy, and diet and exercise. In addition, students will develop basic computer literacy as they explore the nonacademic factors through computer use, word processing operations, email, and use of the Internet

CSS 103: First Year Student Success

Credits 1 Max Credits 3
Students will explore diverse resources Big Bend offers to help them succeed. College Success Skills courses help students become effective learners and achieve their goals. Through course content students will explore careers and pathways, identify next steps after Big Bend, and financial literacy topics such as FAFSA completion, understanding credit scores, and balancing budgets.

CSS 105: Introduction to Healthcare Studies

Credits 3
This course provides the foundation for understanding the educational responsibilities of choosing a career in the healthcare field. Students will identify the scope of education and practice of various members of the healthcare profession in order to develop an educational and career plan. Additional key topics include test-taking preparation, critical thinking, leadership skills, communication styles, ethical decision making, note-taking and study tactics, and accessing reference sources.

CSS 106: College Reading Strategies

Credits 2 Max Credits 3
College Reading Strategies emphasizes the development of the critical reading and thinking skills (analysis, synthesis, and evaluation) needed for courses in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Presents active reading strategies, study reading techniques, and vocabulary building skills.