
BUS 200: Supervision

The student will look at management in organizations and the information, tools, qualities, and skills needed to successfully manage others while fostering a positive work environment and contributing to organizational success.

BUS& 201: Business Law

This course provides an introduction to the nature and sources of law and overview of law typically relating to the operation of businesses from the point of view of owners, managers, employees, customers, and suppliers with an emphasis on contracts...

BUS 215: Customer Service

This course will provide the student with strategies and skills to effectively meet the needs of customers. The student will be introduced to internal and external customers, to customer satisfaction, to customer retention, and to customer service...

BUS 295: Work-Based Learning

A supervised work experience in a community agency or business involving the application of classroom information and skills. One credit for each 33 hours of supervised work-based learning. May be repeated up to 8 credits.

BUS 289: Project Managment

This course focuses on exploring and exercising principles that are common to project management across multiple industries and disciplines. Students develop skills in project integration, scope, time, cost, quality, human resource, communications...

BUS 297: Work-Based Learning Seminar

A discussion/conference oriented course covering various topics related to business. The topic discussed during a particular quarter will be influenced by the needs and interests of the students. May be repeated up to six (6) credits.

BIM 101: Basic Keyboarding

This course gives emphasis to learning the keyboard; namely, the alphabet, numbers, and symbols. This course is designed for the individual who has never taken a keyboarding class, who may want to renew keyboarding skills, or who wants to change...