
WLD 283: Pipe Welding II

Students will enhance carbon steel pipe welding in 1G, 2G, 5G, and 6G positions using E-6010 and E-7018 electrodes with schedule 60,80,100 and 120 pipes and various other sizes of pipes. May be repeated for credit up to six credits.

WLD 284: Gas Tungsten Arc Welding III (TIG.)

Students will gain advanced skills on carbon steel pipe in the 2G, 5G, 6G positions, carbon steel pipe with stainless steel rods, and stainless steel pipe in the 2G, 5G, and 6G positions.

WLD 285: Pipe Welding III

This course focuses on pipe welding 1G, 2G, 5G, and 6G positions using E-6010 and E-7018 rods and a combination of G.T.A.W. and S.M.A.W. process with schedule 40,60,80,100, 120, and various other sizes of pipes.

WLD 295: Work Based Learning

A supervised work experience in the welding technology field to enhance the application of classroom instruction and skills and/or area of specialization approved by the program instructor. May be repeated up to twelve (12) credits. WLD Instructor...

WLD 297: Work Based Learning Seminar

Feedback and discussion to integrate and relate Work Based Learning and classroom based instruction. Work ethic, leadership, safety and occupational health, environmental issues, and other student generated topics are examined. May be repeated up to...


Washington Association of Building Officials (WABO) testing is available. Contact the welding department at 762.6252 for more information.

WKED 102: Professional Preparation - Occupation Specific II

A continued exploration of work-related components specific to each occupation/industry (or similar) including direct contact with peers, advisors, mentors, employers, and others directly related to the industry. Creation of a job search portfolio...

WKED 103: Professional Preparation - Occupation Specific III

Continued contact with peers, advisors, mentors, employers, and others directly related to the industry. This course covers job preparation components in which emphasis is given to job search and interviewing techniques. The mock interview is a...

WKED 110: Mission Critical Operations Management I

Introduction to the technical operations management of systems, facilities, equipment, and processes critical to the production of goods and services. Students may explore this topic within a related industry of their choice.