
REL 211: Religion in America

A study of American religious groups, principally Christian denominations, including selected sects and cults. Various beliefs and practices will be examined in light of historical and social influences.

SCI 101: Survey of Science

An introduction to and survey of the natural sciences of astronomy, biology, chemistry, geology, and physics.

SCI 104: Math for Science and Engineering

Math concepts heavily used by science and engineering coursework are covered. Topics will include (but not limited to): unit conversions, scientific notation, right angle trigonometry, logarithms and exponents, applications of linear graphs, vectors...

SOC& 101: Intro to Sociology

Sociology is the scientific study of human groups and their social systems. Sociologists study how groups are organized and structured, their character and interaction, how groups change, and their impact on individuals. The course focuses on...

SOC& 201: Social Problems

A sociological analysis of the major social problems facing both the United States and the world today. Among the topics analyzed are: Family and disorganization, social deviance, poverty, crime, over population, and environmental degradation....

SOC 204: Gender and Power

This course is an introduction to the discipline of Women’s Studies, surveying numerous academic areas and exploring concepts basic to the field. Students will critically examine the social understandings of gender, and the powerful role it plays in...

SOC 220: Marriage and the Family

A comprehensive examination of the institution of marriage and family life, including past, current, and future trends. The course will help students understand different marriage and family patterns and will develop skills for meaningful, long-term...

SOCW 110: Introduction to Social Work

This course is a general introduction to the history of social work, the issues social workers encounter, the systems in which social workers work, the theories and practices social workers utilize, as well as the services they provide across the...

UAS 107: Commercial UAS Remote Pilot (Part 107)

Students will receive an in-depth introduction to FAA Part 107 rules and regulations, associated theory, procedures, requirements and operating concepts, as well as actual hands-on flight training in the BBCC enclosed UAS Flight Lab, with an emphasis...

WLD 110: Welding Theory I

General introduction to industrial welding and cutting. Safety rules of oxy-fuel, electric and other welding processes, principles, and electrodes.