Direct Transfer Agreement/Major Related Program

Associate in Pre-Nursing DTA/MRP


This pathway is applicable to students planning to prepare for an upper division Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing BSN (Entry-to-practice/basic BSN pathway). Students should enter the college or university at junior standing however, admission to the nursing program at that college or university is not guaranteed. Students choosing this degree are advised to contact their potential transfer institution early his/her course of study regarding specific course choices in each degree area where options are listed as well as for minimum GPA requirements.

Since programs differ at each college, students should consider program outlines published by the college or university where the student plans to continue his/her course of study. The following recommended courses will prepare students for most senior institutions. Students should prepare their quarterly schedules with the assistance of an advisor knowledgeable in their transfer area. Students should seek out their advisor for more information and guidance on possible courses to take to complete this degree and to prepare and plan for future transfer.

Associate in Pre-Nursing DTA/MRP (90 credits)

Program Learning Outcomes:

  • IO1 Communication
    Students will be able to communicate clearly and effectively.
  • IO2 Quantitative Reasoning
    Students will be able to reason mathematically.
  • IO3 Human Relations/Workplace Skills
    Students will be able to demonstrate teamwork, ethics, appropriate safety awareness and/or workplace specific skills.
  • PO4 Cultural, Social, Political Aspects
    Students will be able to recognize or articulate personal/interpersonal aspects of, or connections between, diverse cultural, social, or political contexts.
  • PO5 Problem Solving
    Students will be able to solve problems by gathering, interpreting, combining and/or applying information from multiple sources.

Degree Requirements

To earn the Associate in Pre-Nursing DTA/MRP degree, a student must:

  • Complete their degree within three years from the quarter of entry based on the catalog in use at time of entering BBCC. After that date, students must meet any changes in graduation.
  • Complete at least 90 transferable credits in courses numbered 100 or above with a grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher.  Note: Nursing related programs are competitive and may require a higher GPA than 2.0 overall.
  • Earn a grade of at least a 1.0 in each college level course used in the degree.  Note:  Minimum GPA requirements may vary among nursing programs.
  • Complete and submit an application for graduation to the Student Administrative Support Services Office before a degree with be awarded.


Note: No course may be used more than once for meeting degree requirements. Courses being used for the basic or breadth requirements in the Associate in Pre-Nursing DTA/MRP degree may not be taken pass/fail.

The 90 transferable credits must include the following:

Basic Requirements (15 credits)

Communication Skills (BS)  


Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Quantitative Skills (SQR)   

Symbolic or Quantitative Reasoning 

Note: A minimum grade of 2.0 or higher in Intermediate Algebra or higher placement score is required for entrance into all SQR courses.  Enrollment into any BBCC math course requires placement at the appropriate entrance level

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

General Education Courses - 60 credits

Humanities (HU, HP)  

Select from at least two of the disciplines listed on the Humanities distribution list with no more than 10 credits from any one discipline. No more than 5 credits in foreign language at the 100 level may apply to this category. No more than 5 credits in humanities performance/skill credits (HP) may apply to this requirement.


Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Social Science (SS)  

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Physical Education/Health & Wellness   

Complete one of the following: 

No more than 3 PEH Activity (AC) credits may be used in the degree.

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

General Electives 

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Advising Maps

An advising map for the As Pre-Nursing DTA/MRP degree is available on the BBCC Website; use the Academics dropdown and choose the Programs & Degrees link below the Explore heading and scroll down to the bottom of the page to the Advising Maps button.  Once on the Advising Maps page look for Pre-Nursing – Transfer DTA MRP. The advising map is helpful to prepare for advising and registration each quarter. Students should maintain an accurate record of courses completed and bring their advising map with them for advising appointments.

The following schedule of courses is a recommended guide for completing this degree. See a program advisor for specific courses.  Many courses are designated within this degree. Refer to the distribution lists to help you choose the remaining classes within each distribution category that meet your educational goals and interests.  Refer to the Programs of Study pages for a full listing of courses in each discipline and which quarter each course will be taught. Ask your advisor to help you choose.

Note:  No course may be used more than once for meeting degree requirements.

First Year

Fall Quarter 

* If you have placed directly into MATH& 146, take it right away. If not, you will need to take courses in pre-college math before you can take MATH& 146. Since many students place into MATH& 146 we are showing a possible schedule using that starting point.

** Instead of PEH 100 take PEH 178 or take 3 PEH AC classes during three different quarters.

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Winter Quarter 

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Spring Quarter 

*Instead of BIOL& 100 (LS), take elective of your choice

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Second Year

Fall Quarter 

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Winter Quarter 

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Spring Quarter 

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Note: No course may be used more than once for meeting degree requirements.

Total Credits