Bachelor in Applied Science

Applied Management BAS

Program and Degree Learning Outcomes:

  • IO1 Communication
    Communicate effectively with internal and external stakeholders using an appropriate channel for the situation.
  • IO2 Computation
    Analyze the financial health of a business by interpreting business data obtained from financial statements.
  • IO3 Human Relations/Workplace Skills
    Demonstrate effective leadership, critical thinking, teamwork, and technical and information literacy competencies needed to make business-critical decisions to resolve interpersonal and organizational challenges that most often occur in the modern workplace.
  • PO4 Apply and analyze multicultural strategies to facilitate respectful and equitable inclusion of diverse individuals and perspectives to achieve organizational goals.
  • PO5 Identify the significance of and key decisions in the operations management function, and quality management/quality control methods.
  • PO6 Develop comprehensive project plans, monitor the plans, identify areas of risk and deal with problems through appropriate use of project management techniques.
  • PO7 Demonstrate integrity through ethical behavior and socially responsible decision making.
  • PO8 Apply organizational behavior principles and human resources management practices to effectively develop, hire, and retain a skilled workforce.

The following schedule of courses is the recommended junior and senior year program for completing the BAS-AM degree (90 credits).

Required Program Courses

Course Code
1 - 5
Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits