

Business Transfer (DTA/MRP) (90+ credits)

Students intending to transfer to a baccalaureate institution and major in Business Administration have two degree options-The Business DTA or the Associate in Arts and Science DTA. Completing all of the prescribed courses listed for the Business DTA will enable students to be major ready when they transfer to any public baccalaureate institution in the state of Washington. See the catalog for more information concerning the Associate in Business-DTA and the specific required class for this degree. Business students choosing to transfer with an Associate in Arts and Science-DTA degree should consult program outlines published by the college or university to which they intend to transfer. However, the following recommended courses prepare students for most baccalaureate institutions. Students should prepare their quarterly schedules with the assistance of an advisor knowledgeable in this transfer area. Please see the catalog for general education requirements for the Associate in Arts and Science Degree.

Program Learning Outcomes:

  • IO1 Communication
    Students will be able to communicate clearly and effectively.
  • IO2 Quantitative Reasoning
    Students will be able to reason mathematically
  • IO3 Human Relations/Workplace Skills
    Students will be able to demonstrate teamwork, ethics, appropriate safety awareness and/or workplace specific skills
  • PO4 Students will be able to recognize or articulate personal/interpersonal aspects of, or connections between, diverse cultural, social, or political contexts.
  • PO5 Students will be able to solve problems by gathering, interpreting, combining and/or applying information from multiple sources

Degrees and Certificates


BUS& 101: Intro to Business

Credits 5
This course provides an overview of business, focusing on the world of business today within the context of a global society. Basic principles and concepts include; business models, entrepreneurship, functional areas of business, management, organizational structure, human resources, marketing, information systems, finance, ethics and social responsibility as well as emerging business topics.

BUS& 201: Business Law

Credits 5
This course provides an introduction to the nature and sources of law and overview of law typically relating to the operation of businesses from the point of view of owners, managers, employees, customers, and suppliers with an emphasis on contracts and sales.

BUS 114: Business Ethics

Credits 5
This course studies and analyzes ethical issues facing the world of business and society today and identifies approaches available when dealing with or resolving complex ethical issues.

BUS 115: Workplace Skills and Behaviors

Credits 4
Practical application-oriented study of interpersonal skills and behaviors for the workplace. Topics included are communication, ethics at work, decision making, teamwork, conflict resolution, diversity, etiquette, adapting to change, and work life balance

BUS 119: Business Grammar and Edit

Credits 5

This course is designed to prepare students for today's offices where clear and concise writing and editing is based on a sound understanding of grammar and is considered to be an essential job skill. Topics will include the parts of speech, punctuation, capitalization, and numbers. Students will walk away with a solid foundation of good grammar mechanics and the ability to skillfully edit their own work.

BUS 122: Business Communications

Credits 5
This course promotes the development of business communication skills which include reading, writing, listening, speaking, and interacting within groups. Special emphasis is given to the creation of day-to-day business documents

BUS 135: Fundamentals of Logistics, Transportation, and Supply Chain Management

Credits 1 Max Credits 3
This introductory course provides an overview of the fundamentals of commercial transportation, logistics, and supply chain management; an overview of the various operations and processes involved in efficient movement of cargo and impacts to the financial performance of business; and provides students with practical industry knowledge. Topics will include logistics and supply chain management, the physical side of materials management, inbound logistics and purchasing, physical distribution management, outbound logistics with regard to transportation, information technology systems, finance in logistics and supply chain management, and logistics and the supply chain in the global environment.

BUS 161: Business Calculators

Credits 2
Touch-control training on the ten-key electronic display/printing calculator. Basic functions, development of proficiency with proration, percentage, interest, discount, present value, and profit computations.

BUS 170: Consumer Finance

Credits 5
This course offers and introduction to investigating, buying, and financing techniques for vehicles, consumer goods, insurance, and homes; consumer rights, responsibilities, and obligations; minimizing federal income tax; borrowing, saving, and investing.

BUS 200: Supervision

Credits 5
The student will look at management in organizations and the information, tools, qualities, and skills needed to successfully manage others while fostering a positive work environment and contributing to organizational success.

BUS 215: Customer Service

Credits 3
This course will provide the student with strategies and skills to effectively meet the needs of customers. The student will be introduced to internal and external customers, to customer satisfaction, to customer retention, and to customer service trends.

BUS 289: Project Managment

Credits 5
This course focuses on exploring and exercising principles that are common to project management across multiple industries and disciplines. Students develop skills in project integration, scope, time, cost, quality, human resource, communications, risk, procurement, and stakeholder management. Students and instructors will select a final project that will allow them to focus on their area of specialization and learn about the perspectives of other industries while working as a team to accomplish common project goals. Students who have earned 45 or more college-level credits may register for this class. This class is intended for students in the second year of their degree program. Credit cannot be earned in both BUS 289 and CS 289. (Formerly: CS 289)

BUS 295: Work-Based Learning

Credits 1 Max Credits 6
A supervised work experience in a community agency or business involving the application of classroom information and skills. One credit for each 33 hours of supervised work-based learning. May be repeated up to 8 credits.

BUS 297: Work-Based Learning Seminar

Credits 1
A discussion/conference oriented course covering various topics related to business. The topic discussed during a particular quarter will be influenced by the needs and interests of the students. May be repeated up to six (6) credits.