This course is providing training and experience for students to properly operate a crash truck during a crash truck during an aircraft fire.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following knowledge or skills:
- Demonstrate strategies, tactics, and communication for deploying an ARFF vehicle at the scene of an aircraft fire
Institutional Outcomes
IO3 Human Relations/Workplace Skills: Students will be able to demonstrate teamwork, ethics, appropriate safety awareness and/or workplace specific skills
Course Content Outline
- Classroom instruction on strategies and tactics
- Classroom instruction on agent application/extinguishing agents and communication
- Truck familiarization
- Driving and Turret work
- Re-servicing/tanker shuttle/ working off hydrant or other water supply
- Driving experience and turret targets
- Structural panel operations with hand line operations
- Driving experience and hand line targets
- Relay pumping using C-6 to lay LDH to C-4
- Live-fire crash simulation