CSS 103 : First Year Student Success

Class Program
Credits 1 3 Lecture Hours 11 33
Students will explore diverse resources Big Bend offers to help them succeed. College Success Skills courses help students become effective learners and achieve their goals. Through course content students will explore careers and pathways, identify next steps after Big Bend, and financial literacy topics such as FAFSA completion, understanding credit scores, and balancing budgets.
Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following knowledge or skills:

  1. Identify BBCC resources available to them as they transition into their roles as students to becoming successful in college.
  2. Discuss the value of clarifying their interests, personal goals, and learn how these relate to different majors, careers and opportunities in academia.
  3. Identify financial literacy skills to make informed financial choices for college and beyond.
Course Content Outline
Module 1/Quarter 1 topics:
  • BBCC programs and services presentation, including TRIO information/orientation
  • Begin career and pathway exploration
  • FAFSA/WASFA completion
  • Teach how to understand college award letter
  • Budgeting 101 basics (managing budget and savings)
  • Scholarship research (transfer schools, scholarship websites, and local partners)
Module 2/Quarter 2 topics:
  • BBCC Scholarship Foundation visit OR Volunteer Service Hours
  • Credit basics presentation
  • Understanding student loans
  • Academic skills topics (time management, study skills, etc.)
  • Narrow down career interest/pathway focus to a degree program at BBCC or prereq sequence needed for program at another college
Module 3/Quarter 3 topics:
  • Career Center regarding work-based learning opportunities
  • Resume and cover letter assistance
  • Soft skills and interview practice
  • Transfer advising such as narrowing top two transfer institutions, deciding format (face-to-face, virtual), and more
  • Research job and/or internship opportunities
  • College campus visit, virtual or on the ground
Department Guidelines

The class syllabus must contain all elements as described in the Syllabus Checklist. A class schedule must be provided to students that contains content covered (text chapters, topics, etc.) and tentative test dates (to include final date/time).

Assessment needed for PO4: Apply and analyze multicultural strategies to facilitate respectful and equitable inclusion of diverse individuals and perspectives to achieve organizational goals.

Note: Some sections of this course will be restricted to only TRIO SSS students. Additionally, students cannot earn credit for CSS 100 and CSS 103 towards electives.