GIS 110 : Geographic Information Systems (GIS) I

Credits 4 Lecture Hours 38 Lab Hours 11
Using basic capabilities of ArcGIS software tools, students are introduced to geographic information systems (GIS) concepts, including coordinate systems, spatial data analysis, data editing, data queries, database development, map creation, and report generation.


Completion of MATH 098/MAP 119 or a higher placement or instructor permission.
Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following knowledge or skills:

  1. Identify key GIS components and applications
  2. Describe GIS coordinate systems
  3. Compare and contrast various remote sensing system capabilities
  4. State the primary elements and capabilities of the global positioning system (GPS)
  5. Demonstrate GIS data queries and data editing (using ArcGIS)
  6. Generate a completed GIS map and associated data report (using ArcGIS)
Institutional Outcomes
IO3 Human Relations/Workplace Skills: Students will be able to demonstrate teamwork, ethics, appropriate safety awareness and/or workplace specific skills
Course Content Outline
  1. GIS basic definitions, components, applications
  2. ArcGIS
  3. Coordinate systems
  4. Data sources, data entry, and digitizing
  5. GPS and remote sensing systems
  6. Data queries
  7. Data editing
  8. Map creation
  9. Report generation
Department Guidelines
The syllabus must contain evaluation/grading guidelines, class environment/expectations/rules, course learning outcomes, and a disability services statement. A schedule must be provided to students that contains content covered (text chapters, topics, etc.), tentative test dates (to include final date/time).