Geographic Information Systems

A geographic information system (GIS) is a framework for capturing and analyzing data and tying it so specific geographic locations. GIS is used in a multitude of industries and organizations. At BBCC, GIS classes are included in the Agriculture and Unmanned Systems programs.


GIS 110: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) I

Credits 4
Using basic capabilities of ArcGIS software tools, students are introduced to geographic information systems (GIS) concepts, including coordinate systems, spatial data analysis, data editing, data queries, database development, map creation, and report generation.

GIS 210: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) II

Credits 5
This second course in geographic information systems (GIS) focuses on spatial data analysis, including the use of interpolation, contours, data intersections, and overlay analysis. Students will be introduced to the latest GIS software tools, including performing analysis of real-world data collected from Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS).

GIS 220: Remote Sensing

Credits 3
This course addresses key aspects of remote sensing. Topics include the electromagnetic spectrum, satellites and remote sensing systems, manned/unmanned aircraft and remote sensing systems, basic image interpretation and analysis concepts, and remote sensing applications (i.e., agriculture, forestry, geology, etc.).