WLD 130: Welding Theory III

Class Program
Credits 5 Lecture Hours 55
Basic welding blueprint reading and interpretations of conventional drafting, symbology, and specialized welding symbols: basic lines and views, dimensions, welding symbols, abbreviations, pipe welding symbols, NDT symbols and ISO welding symbols.


WLD 120 or Instructors permission
Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following knowledge or skills:

  1. The student will understand the different types of lines and the variety of views.
  2. The student will understand notes and specifications.
  3. The student will understand the bill of materials.
  4. The student will understand other views and sections.
  5. The student will understand detail, assembly, and subassembly prints.
  6. The student will understand welding symbols and abbreviations.
  7. The student will understand Pipe welding, inspection and testing, and ISO symbols for welding.
Department Guidelines

There will be four major tests during the quarter. These tests will be 2/3 of your total grade for the class.
Projects, assignments, and review questions will make up the final 1/3 of your grade.
Tests, projects, assignments, and review questions will be scored on a point basis with a percentage of points for your final grade.
The grade awarded for the class is as follows:

95-100 4.0
94 3.9
93 3.8
92 3.7
91 3.6
90 3.5
89 3.4
88 3.3
87 3.2
86 3.1
85 3.0
84 2.9
83 2.8
82 2.7
81 5.6
80 2.5
79 2.4
78 2.3
77 2.2
76 2.1
75 2.0
74 1.9
73 1.8
72 1.7
71 1.6
70 1.5
69 1.4
68 1.3
67 1.2
66 1.1
65 1.0
60-64 0.7
0-59 0